Catalogue description Weaver Navigation
This record is held by Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
Reference: | LNW |
Title: | Weaver Navigation |
Description: |
River Weaver Series Minute books and Indexes Finance and Works Committee Minute Books and Indexes General Annual Account Books Ganeral ledgers and Indexes Works Ledgers and Indexes Debtors' Ledgers and Indexes Tonnage Journals Tonnage Account books 'Amount of the River Weaver Tonnage Bills Northwich Tonnage Books of Goods and Coals Draft Northwich Tonnage Books of Goods and Coals Northwich Tonnage Books of Rock and White Salt Draft Northwich Tonnage Books of Rock and White Salt Northwich Excise Cheque Books Northwich Casual Tonnage Books Winsford Early Tonnage Books Winsford Tonnage books of Goods and Coals Draft Winsford Tonnage Books of Goods and Coals Winsford Tonnage Books of White Salt Draft Winsford Tonnage Books of White Salt Anderton Lift and Transhipping Journals Weston Journal and Index Storekeeper's Book Outward Main Wage Accounts General Repairs, Wages Books Wage Accounts for Particular Works Wages of Extra Labourers Accounts, Estimates and specific Tradesmens' accounts Foremens' Weekly Reports Weekly Dredging Returns Accounts and Correspondence with Anderton Lift Office Miscellaneous records Mortgages Stock and share certificates Canal boat registration certificates Insurance policies Papers re Trustees appointments Miscellaneous papers Registers of weighed flats Counsel's Opinions |
Date: | 1721 - 1943 |
Related material: |
Further material relating to the Navigation will be found amongst the Quarter Sessions records, County Council records and the papers of Messrs Chambers & Co of Northwich, (ref DCN) who were solicitors to the Trustees for many years. A full account of the origin and development of the Navigation is given in T S Willan The Navigation of the River Weaver in the Eighteenth Century (Chetham Society, Third Series, vol III, 1951). |
Held by: | Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, not available at The National Archives |
Language: | English |
Creator: |
Physical description: | 457 vols, 29 gatherings, 50 bdls, 58 items |
Access conditions: |
All records are open for research, but may be subject to several days' notice to retrieve from offsite storage; please contact the Record Office |
Immediate source of acquisition: |
The records were deposited by the Trustees of the Weaver Navigation in January 1948 after previous inspection at the Navigation Offices, Northwich, on behalf of the county Council and the National Register of Archives (ACC 45). An additional collection of records relating chiefly to the Engineer's and Works departments of the Navigation was discovered at the old Navigation Trustees' Offices, Navigation Road, Northwich in 1980 and deposited by British Waterways Board (Acc 2767). |
Subjects: |
Link to NRA Record: |
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