Catalogue description Indenture of Release

This record is held by The London Archives: City of London

Details of HB/C/103
Reference: HB/C/103
Title: Indenture of Release

1. Henry Harwood, 'Sadler' of London.


2. William Eyre.


Messuages on Ludgate hill near Fleet-bridge in the parish of St. Brides alias 'Bridgett,' one formerly called 'the Still' and now 'the Lookeinglasse,' another formerly called 'the Saddle' and now the 'three guilded Keys.'


Mentions Grace Hardwyn, 'waxchaundler,' Peter Emery, Robert Christy, 'sadler,' George Appletree, leatherseller, tenants.


Witnesses--Peter Drybutter, Geo. Ixem, William Maning.

Date: 14 Chas. II. 1662
Related material:

See also HB/C/007

Held by: The London Archives: City of London, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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