A Rowley, February 1997
Historical Manuscripts Commission
The records described in this report are held by the London Metropolitan Archives. Further enquiries about access to them should be addressed to the staff there.
This collection of family and miscellaneous papers was deposited (Accession 57.19) in the London County Council Record Office (now London Metropolitan Archives) in 1957 by Miss Virginia Legge, the grand-daughter of Edward Henry Legge. It has the repository reference F/LEG/1-1034. The papers chiefly refer to members of the Legge family, Earls of Dartmouth, and include diaries, correspondence and papers of Lady Georgina Caroline Legge (1795-1885), daughter of the third Earl of Dartmouth and Edward Henry Legge (1834-1900), the third son of the fourth Earl of Dartmouth.
1-219. Letters to the Countess of Dartmouth from her family 1809-36.
220-601. Letters from Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and members of her household (Lady Caroline Legge was lady-in-waiting to the Duchess 1828-56).
602-867. Family correspondence of Lady Caroline Legge 1820-56.
866-876. Nine small diaries of Lady Caroline Legge 1815-20.
877. Commonplace book of Lady Caroline Legge 1827.
878 (a-j). Two travel diaries of Lady Caroline Legge 1828.
879. Travel diary of Lady Caroline Legge no date.
880. Diary of Lady Caroline Legge 1836.
881. Prayer book.
882-883. Two travel diaries of Lady Caroline Legge no date.
884-886. Invitation cards, etc, no date.
887-890. Miscellaneous sketches, silhouettes etc.
891-892. Letters from Princess Sophia Matilda to Lady Caroline Legge no date.
893. Note from the Duke of Wellington no date.
896. Crimea 1856.
897-901. West Indies and North America 1859 (5).
902-903. Italy 1862 (2).
904. Holland 1867.
905-909. Palestine, Syria, Egypt 1868-9 (5).
910. Franco-Prussian war battlefields 1871.
911. Germany 1875.
912. Boulogne 1870.
913. France, Italy, Switzerland 1877.
914. Military notes 1855.
915. Army diary and notes February-August 1855.
916-920. Notebooks - moral and religious - no date.
921-927. Papers relating to service in the Coldstream Guards 1855-75.
928-929. Notebooks and memoranda no date (2).
930-934. Miscellaneous notebooks no date (5).
935. Journal at Aldershot camp 1855.
936-939. Letters from abroad (The Crimea, Cuba and New York) 1856-59.
940. Memorial poem on the death of Charles Godfrey, Bandmaster of the Coldstream Guards, 1863 (printed).
941-945. Papers in Persian, picked up in Ayub Khan's camp before Kandahar, with notes, 1880.
946-953. Letters to Edward Henry Legge 1885.
954-957. Typescript copy of a diary of a Lieutenant in the Navy during the Crimean War 1 May 1854-8 February 1857.
958. Notice relating to the laying of the foundation stone of Christchurch, Forest Hill, by the fourth Earl of Dartmouth 1852.
959. Notebook, including copies of letters of a nobleman to his son, (i.e. Lord Dartmouth to his son Heneage), the originals of which are in Staffordshire Record Office (?), 1770-75.
960. Travel diary of Mary Emma Sneyd in Scotland 1857.
961. Notebook, including copies of letters written on the death of Louisa Bagot, nee Legge, on 10 August 1816, 1816.
962. Commonplace book of Frances, Countess of Dartmouth, no date.
963. Travel diary of Lady Mary or Anne Legge in Germany and Italy no date.
964. Commonplace book of Mary Legge 1819.
965. Letter from Anne (Legge) to her brother, the Reverend Henry Legge, vicar of Lewisham no date.
966. Book of housekeeping notes no date.
967. Private journal, probably belonging to Charles Legge, RN, brother of the fourth Earl of Dartmouth, 1820.
968-994. Miscellaneous papers ("Blackheathiana"), including prayers, poems, etc, no date.
995. Letter from the Earl of St Vincent, headed victory of the Lizard, 25 August 1778 (?).
996. Letter from the Earl of St Vincent, headed 'Royal George before Brest', 28 August 1800.
997. Letter from William Pitt to Mr Harman relating to the conveyance of the Prussian Subsidy 27 June 1794.
998. Letter from the Duke of Richmond recommending his nephew to Sir William Hamilton at Naples 10 November 1798.
999. Copy of a letter of thanks from Elizabeth Wilcox to the Tsar for freeing her son, John Duncan, taken prisoner on ship 2 April 1804.
1000. Letter from Charles Legge on the 'Bacchante' to his brother, the Earl of Dartmouth, 30 June 1815.
1001-1005. Five letters relating to Arthur Legge's commission in the Coldstream Guards 1818-20.
1006. Letter from Bagot Legge to his sister Barbara 15-16 May 1826.
1007. Letter from Sir Thomas Lawrence 12 December 1828.
1008. Letter from James Mooney to the Earl Talbot 25 October 1829.
1009. Letter from T Cassidy at Bagshot to the Duke of Gloucester 13 January 1832.
1010. Letter from 'Justicus' to a Bishop relating to the dangers of Popery in the church no date.
1011-1012. Letters from Queen Victoria to Mary, Duchess of Gloucester, 1838-39.
1013. Letters from Leo, King of the Belgians, to his aunt, Mary, Duchess of Gloucester, no date.
1014-1015. Two notes from the Duke of Wellington relating to the Duke of Gloucester's invitations 13 May 1839 and 5 May 1841.
1016-1034. Notes relating to the history of the Legge family various dates (one folder).
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