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Report on file format compatible software

This report displays software products which are compatible with those file formats which match a given format name or file extension.


Example of search by software product for file format results


The report shows up to seven columns. The first four are always Software, Version, Release Date and Vendor. The remaining columns are a subset of whether the software can Render (read) the format, whether it can Create (write) the format, whether it can Identify the format, whether it can Validate the format, whether it can Extract Metadata from the format and the Invariance for this format when rendered by this product i.e. whether or not the software product changes the format when rendering it. The first four columns are always included in the report; the remaining columns are determined by the type of process searched on.
For a search on software products that can 'process in any way' the file format, the columns Render, Create and Invariance will be included.
For a search on those software products which can create the file format, only the Create column will be included.
For a search on those software products which can render the file format, the Render and Invariance columns will be included.
For a search on those software products which can identify the file format, only the Identify column will be included.
For a search on those software products which can validate the file format, only the Validate column will be included.
For a search on those software products which can extract metadata from the file format, only the Extract Metadata column will be included.

As several different formats may use the same extension or have the same name, there may be several tables shown, one for each file format.


If there are more than ten results, the report will be split into pages of ten rows each. Move through the pages using the links above and below the report tables. The current page number is highlighted. Click on the sort icon next to the "Software" , "Released", "Vendor" or "Invariance" column heading to sort on that column. The current sort column is highlighted in red. Other sortable columns are highlighted with the sort icon .


The entire report can be exported to XML or CSV formats, or printed out in a more printer-friendly format, by using the links above the report table.


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