S Roberts and A Lewis, February 1996
Historical Manuscripts Commission
All enquiries about these papers should be addressed to the Director of Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, quoting the references given in square brackets.
This report was compiled as part of a survey undertaken by the Commission of the papers of British antiquaries, archaeologists and historians.
The Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology was established in 1884 as the Cambridge Antiquarian Library and Museum, to house the collections of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, which had been given to the University in 1883. It was transferred in 1913 to new premises in Downing Street, and in 1919 was merged (as the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology) with the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology.
The Commission is most grateful to Dr David Phillipson, Director and Curator of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, for granting access to the detailed handlists upon which the following summary is based.
ABBOTT, George Wyman (d1972)
Correspondence, notes and drawings relating to his archaeological work in the Peterborough district 1906-70 (4 volumes, etc) [W11/1/1-7].
Miscellaneous notes, photographs, offprints, etc 1903-50 [W11/2/1-4, W11/3/1-7, W11/4/1-4].
ADDYMAN, Peter Vincent (b1939)
Director of the York Archaeological Trust since 1972
Papers of him and Martin Biddle relating to excavations at Cambridge 1959-66, including correspondence between them, notes about sites and finds, site plans and sections, and drawings and photographs of finds [G03/4/1-16].
ANNABLE, Frederick KennethNotebooks, photographs, diary, typescript notes (60 pages), and maps relating to excavations at Great Chesterford, Cambridgeshire 1953 [G02/6/14-15].
ARKELL, Anthony John (1898-1980)
Typescript notes on the Darfur (Sudan) collection 1954 [AR8/1/1].
BECK, Horace Courthope
Notes, drawings and photographs relating to beads in European, African and Asian cultures 1918-46, nd (8 binders, 1 volume, etc) [W01/1/1-12].
Printed papers 1934-45 [W01/2/1-14].
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BIDDER, Harold Francis (1875-1968)
Barrister and archaeologist
Notes, sketches, photographs etc relating to excavations of Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Mitcham, Surrey c1888-1957 (mainly 1914-22) (4 volumes) [G05/2/1].
BIDDLE, Martin (b1937)
Director of the Winchester Research Unit since 1968
Notes, papers and photographs relating to the excavation of a mid-twelfth century motte and bailey castle at Therfield, Hertfordshire 1958-c1969 [G02/9/1-8].
Papers of him and PV Addyman relating to excavations at Cambridge 1959-66, including correspondence between them, notes about sites and finds, site plans and sections, and drawings and photographs of finds [G03/4/1-16].
Notes and papers relating to currency and forms of money around the world 1862-1939 [W02/1/1-10].
Notes and papers relating to Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire local history 1924, nd, including lists of sheriffs, county MPs and Cambridge-educated ejected ministers, and abstracts of Cambridgeshire entries in the Patent Rolls and in HMC Salisbury MSS [W02/2/1-18].
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BURKITT, Miles Crawford (1890-1971)
Lecturer in the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University 1926-58
Letters from LSB Leakey to Burkitt relating to various sites in Kenya 1926-38 [AR4/2/1].
Various papers, notes, photographs etc from other scholars, addressed to Burkitt 1928-60 [AR4/3/1-4].
Correspondence with Edward Pyddoke relating to excavations in Kent's Cavern, Torquay, and copy of a report by Pyddoke 1949-50 [G04/1/3].
Correspondence (including photographs) from JPT Burchell relating to excavations in Lower Thames Valley 1934-38 [G05/1/4].
Letters from F Buckley relating to his collection of flints from Yorkshire, and other MS notes relating to flints found at 1923 excavations, 1921-28 [G07/1/4].
'Keyser Teaching Association' (4 envelopes) nd, miscellaneous section drawings 1923, etc [W14/1/1-3].
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BUSHNELL, Geoffrey Hext Sutherland (1903-1978)
Curator of the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 1948-70
Notes and correspondence relating to analysis of cotton fabrics found at Ingcombe Illede [?], Gwembe valley c1965-67 [AR3/1/2].
Correspondence between Bushnell and KP Mayer relating to Chinese crossbows 1964 [BA2/2/2].
Correspondence, notes, reports etc relating to various sites, digs, artefacts etc in Ecuador 1930-31 [FR2/2/1-2, 5].
Miscellaneous correspondence (including photographs) between Bushnell and others in Mexico 1935-68 [FR3/3/4].
Papers relating to work in Tobago and St Lucia 1934-55, including field notebook and loose notes, draft typescript reports (3) on excavations in Tobago, draft preliminary statement as printed in American Antiquity, vol VI, 2, October 1955, maps, bills etc [FR4/1/1-7].
Copies of various archaeological publications and papers [FR4/2/1-7].
Correspondence relating to work in Tobago 1955-70 [FR4/3/1-5].
Additional MS notes made by him on papers relating to graves at Ketchipauan, North America 1923 and MS additions in a notebook relating to same [FR5/1/3-4].
Letters from TC Lethbridge relating to dating of pottery with drawings of designs July-September 1959 [G03/3/6].
back to topBUXTON, Denis Alfred Jex (1895-1964)
Archaeologist and businessman
Typescript report relating to archaeology of Roman London and the necessity of a committee to co-ordinate archaeological activities 1926 [G05/1/3].
CLARK, Sir (John) Grahame Douglas (1907-1995)
Disney Professor of Archaeology, Cambridge University 1952-74
Correspondence with Gordon Fowler, notebook, drawings and other papers relating to excavations on the Car Dyke at Cottenham, Cambridgeshire 1946-49 (1 box) [G03/14/1-14].
CLARKE, Louis Colville Gray (1881-1960)
Curator of the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 1922-37; Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum 1937-46
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers 1913-61 (19 files and items), including letters from J Reid Moir 1928-35 (1 file), Sir William Ridgeway 1924-26 (1 file) and Dr GF Rogers 1925-31 (1 file) [W03/1/1-19].
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COLLINS, Ernest Rokeby (1870-?)
An officer in the East Lancashire Regiment 1894-1920; geologist and archaeologist
Notes on his geological collections c1945-55 (6 envelopes) [W04/1/1-6].
Geological and archaeological notes 1897-1959 (3 volumes, 1 envelope, 1 folder, 5 maps) [W04/2/1-7].
Correspondence concerning his prehistoric investigations 1895-1960 (2 files, 4 items)[W04/3/1-5].
Photographs c1930-50 [W04/4/1-3].
DANIEL, Glyn Edmund (1914-1986)
Disney Professor of Archaeology, Cambridge University 1974-81
Correspondence with archaeologists, broadcasters, publishers and others, manuscripts and typescripts of lectures and articles, radio and television scripts, draft chapters and notes for monographs, outlines of stories, student exercise books, etc c1935-85 [W12/1/1-26].
Photographic slides and prints (21 boxes, 12 drawers) [Photographic Archive].
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Biographical material (including volume of Borneo diaries, November 1941-May 1942) and collections c1915-48 [BA5/9/1-7].
FOX, Sir Cyril Fred (1882-1967)
Archaeologist; Director of the National Museum of Wales 1926-48
Correspondence, notes, card indexes, etc relating to Cambridgeshire and The archaeology of the Cambridge region (1923), 1901-3, c1920-26, 1949 (5 boxes, 6 volumes, 1 binder, etc) [W05/1/1-10].
Correspondence with Miss LF Chitty, notes by her, and other papers relating to their professional collaboration 1931-50 [W05/2/1-9].
Correspondence with TC Lethbridge 1948-63, notes and other papers concerning the Wandlebury Hill figures [W05/3/1-3].
Correspondence and papers relating to his other publications, lectures, etc 1924-52, including letters from VG Childe and CFC Hawkes 1939-43 [W05/4/1-10].
General correspondence 1924-57, including letters from Sir Mortimer Wheeler nd, correspondence with Stuart Piggott c1938-57, and further correspondence with VG Childe and CFC Hawkes c1938-41 and TC Lethbridge nd [W05/5/1-10].
Miscellaneous papers, mainly printed, 1924-67 [W05/6/1-8].
Sketch maps (5) and copies of OS maps (3) possibly prepared by him for The archaeology of the Cambridge region [G11/2/7].
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GRAHAM-SMITH, George Stuart (1875-1950)
Reader in Preventive Medicine, Cambridge University 1923-40
Correspondence between Graham-Smith and others relating to Scottish Stone Age implements 1914-23 and papers, photographs, drawings etc of reconstructed prehistoric animal trap 1922 [G09/1/1-2].
HADDON, Alfred Cort (1855-1940)
Reader in Ethnology, Cambridge University 1909-26
Correspondence, notes, record cards, photographs, etc 1888-1938 [W06/1/1-24].
Notes relating to (i) 'Flint Jack', nineteenth century forger of flint artefacts and (ii) Brandon flint knapping industry, letters from flint knappers, genealogies of local families, press clippings etc c1920-40 [G02/12/3].
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HAYTER, Colonel FJ
Notes and papers relating to Australian anthropology 1922-38 [OA5/2/1-14]
[See also VON HÜGEL].
HURST, John Gilbert (b1927)
Assistant Chief Inspector of Ancient Monuments, English Heritage 1980-87
Notes concerning identification and dating of mediaeval pottery from West Cambridgeshire 1961 (1 envelope) [G03/1/5].
HUTTON, John Henry (1885-1968)
Professor of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University 1937-50
Correspondence and papers relating to the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, university administration and the Scarbrough Commission 1939-45 [W07/1/1-7].
General correspondence files 1946-50 [W07/1/8-12].
Typescript copies of a history of the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 1938, and miscellaneous papers [W07/1/13].
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JENKINSON, Francis John Henry (1853-1923)
Librarian of Cambridge University 1889-1923
Field notebooks (2) containing notes and drawings made during excavation of the Roman and Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Girton, Cambridgeshire 1881 [G03/5/1].
LE STRANGE, Hamon (1904-?)
Indexes to sites in the Folkestone and Hunstanton areas c1956, correspondence and sketch maps relating to finds in the Hunstanton area c1967, notes relating to collection of stone implements from the Norfolk end of Peddar's Way 1969, MS notes in his hand relating to finds in the parish of Heacham, Norfolk, nd, and letter to M Burkitt 1961 [G02/11/1-5].
LEAKEY, Louis Seymour Bazett (1903-1972)
Notes, papers, photographs etc relating to work in East Africa 1926-75 [AR4/2/1-13].
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LETHBRIDGE, Thomas Charles (1901-1971)
Archaeologist; excavator for the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 1925-56
Field notebooks (11) and other archaeological papers relating to Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Norfolk and Suffolk 1925-53, nd [W08/1/1-12].
Archaeological photographs and drawings 1927-29, nd [W08/2/1-6].
Miscellaneous correspondence, typescript and printed papers, etc 1861-c1972 [W08/3/1-3, W08/4/1-8, W08/5/1-2].
McBURNEY, Charles Brian Montagu (1914-1979)
Reader in Archaeology, Cambridge University 1967-77; Professor of Quaternary Prehistory
Papers and card indexes relating to artefacts and implements excavated in England, Jersey, Egypt, Libya and Kenya (1 box) [W15/1/1].
Correspondence with professional colleagues and former students (3 boxes) [W15/1/2-4].
Printed books and typescripts (2 boxes) [W15/1/5-6].
Special research interests (1 box) [W15/1/7].
Archaeology of North Africa (2 boxes) [W15/1/8-9].
Archaeology of the USSR and Poland (1 box) [W15/1/10].
Excavations in Iran 1964 and 1969, Afghanistan 1971 and Jersey nd (1 box) [W15/1/11].
Undergraduate notes, research notes, lecture notes and other papers (6 boxes) [W15/1/12-17].
Correspondence, site inventories, photographs and other papers relating to English Upper Palaeolithic sites 1938-82 (1 box) [G01/3/11].
Notes, site drawings, plans and photographs of excavations in Derbyshire and Somerset 1938 and 1958 (3 envelopes) [G04/1/9-10].
Papers and negatives relating to expeditions and excavations in North Africa 1938-48 (2 boxes, 3 packets) [AR7/2/1-3].
Correspondence, field notes, negatives, etc relating to excavations at Haua Fteah, Libya 1952-55 (1 box, etc) [AR7/3/1-3].
Papers relating to excavations in Iran mainly 1960s (1 volume, 18 folders) [BR6/5/1-3].
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NEVILLE, Richard Cornwallis (1820-1861), 4th Baron Braybrooke 1858
The Braybrooke Collection [G02/2, 3, 4].
Volume containing MS account of excavation at Great Chesterford, Cambridgeshire by RC Neville, notes and correspondence relating to sundry archaeological matters 1845-47 [G02/2/1].
Volume of MS notes relating to excavations at Taplow Heath, Berkshire, and Bottisham and Linton, Cambridgeshire 1847-53 [G02/2/2].
Photocopy, with MS notes, of 'plan of the temple and villa, Sunken Church field', Great Chesterford c1848-49 [original in Saffron Walden Museum] [G02/2/3].
Card folder of notes relating to excavations at Little Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire, also correspondence, miscellaneous notes etc c1851-52 [G02/2/4].
Notebook of EB Nunn c1855-92 [G02/2/5].
Transcript of extract from no 5, nd [G02/2/6].
Finds register, illustrated, belonging to RC Neville 1848-51 [G02/2/7].
Finds register 1853-58 (6 volumes) [G02/2/8].
Catalogue of antiquities in RC Neville's museum c1839-61 [G02/2/9].
Volume labelled 'Catalogue and Account of the Celts' c1850 [G02/2/10].
Typescript catalogue of part of the Braybrooke collection 1902 [G02/2/11].
Museum book 1847-60 [G02/2/12].
Envelope containing papers relating to Roman scythes found at Great Chesterford in 1854 [includes metallurgical report, 1969] [G02/2/13].
Miscellaneous correspondence 1923, 1948 [G02/2/14].
Volume of drawings of items in Braybrooke collection, nd [G02/3/1].
Folder of paintings, some by JM Youngman, of pottery found at Chesterford and in vicinity 1845-55 [G02/3/2].
Drawings of Samian ware c1846-55 [G02/3/3].
Folder of paintings of pottery found at Chesterford and vicinity c1846-55 [G02/3/4].
Folder of paintings, mostly by JM Youngman 1847-57 [G02/3/5].
Large volume of prints, plans, drawings etc of sites and items of archaeological interest c1840-60 [G02/3/6].
Photographs of items from Roman Chesterford, nd [G02/3/7].
Painting of kiln, nd [G02/3/8].
Scrapbook, mostly empty, except for envelopes (6) containing prints, maps etc [G02/3/9].
Tapestry work plaque c1847-50 [G02/3/10].
Miscellaneous archaeological publications 1847-56 [G02/4/1-4].
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PAINE, Crispin
Typescript drafts of gazetteers of Stone, Bronze and Iron Age finds and sites in Stevenage and district [G02/7/1].
Correspondence, notes, drawings and printed papers mainly relating to stone implements 1861-c1912 [W09/1/1-11].
RIDGEWAY, Sir William (1853-1926)
Disney Professor of Archaeology, Cambridge University 1892-1926
Correspondence, notes, photographs, etc relating to the history of currency c1890-1915 [W10/1/1-7].
Correspondence, notes, photographs, etc relating to jewellery and ornaments, and the use of boars' tusks and crescents in art 1896-1918 [W10/2/1-10].
Miscellaneous correspondence and papers c1877-1927 [W10/3/1-14].
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THOMAS, Northcote Whitridge (1868-1936)
Correspondence and papers relating to Sierra Leone and Nigeria 1914 [AR6/2/1-2].
VON HÜGEL, Baron Anatole Andreas Aloys (1854-1928)
Archaeologist and anthropologist; curator of the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 1883-1921
Collections relating to Fiji 1845-1930s [VH1/1-14passim].
*This collection includes papers of, and referring to, Von Hügel's father, Charles. There is also much in the collection that is the work of Colonel FJ Hayter (which resulted in the production of a draft catalogue c1934) and a Mrs Lock; it is apparently impossible to separate the work of these three people.
WEBB, William (1775-1856)
Master of Clare College, Cambridge 1815-56
Watercolour sketches by his wife of pottery excavated by him from the Roman cemetery at Litlington, Cambridgeshire 1821 (1 volume) [G03/20/1].
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