How to fundraise

These pages are designed to support people within the sector who are working to raise funds either for a project, a capital appeal or core costs. The Archives Sector Development team has developed these materials in collaboration with consultants and sector colleagues.

Whether you are beginning to fundraise or are looking to diversify your established fundraising strategy, you will find useful templates, top tips and links to our fundraising e learning modules.

1. Are you fundraising ready?

To effectively plan and execute a fundraising strategy, it’s essential to understand your current situation, including the project's cost and your organisation's ability to accept, bank and ring fence donations.

2. Creating a fundraising plan

Whether you are starting from scratch, growing your income, or diversifying your fundraising, a fundraising strategy allows you to focus your resources and make the most of opportunities.

3. Building networks and cultivating support

Successful fundraising relies on developing and nurturing relationships both with individuals and organisations to develop strong networks both internally and externally.

4. Different types of fundraising

With resources at a premium, it is vital that you assess the different options available and invest your efforts in the most appropriate form of fundraising for your organisation.

5. Reporting your impact

Archive services need to be able to clearly articulate their contribution to individuals, communities and places so that archive leaders can effectively advocate for services both internally and externally.