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*Welcome to PRONOM


PRONOM changes and DROID signature file release notes.

DROID signature files.

Find out more about our plans to make PRONOM's data available in a linked open data format on The National Archives Labs.

The online registry of technical information. PRONOM is a resource for anyone requiring impartial and definitive information about the file formats, software products and other technical components required to support long-term access to electronic records and other digital objects of cultural, historical or business value. Find out about the future of PRONOM on our Information resources page.




Tools and Services

Free PRONOM tools and services to support digital preservation, including DROID, the automatic file format identification tool, together with links to relevant external tools and services.
Tools and Services


Contribute to PRONOM

Contribute new information to PRONOM via our online submission form

Find out more about PRONOM's creators




DROID (Digital Record Object Identification)

DROID is an automatic file format identification tool providing categories of format identification for unknown files in a digital collection.

You can download the latest version of DROID for free. For previous versions go to DROID project website on