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*Details: File format summary



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Name WebP
Version Lossy
Other names  
Identifiers PUID:  fmt/566
MIME:  image/webp
Classification Image (Raster)
Description WebP is a raster image format developed by Google that uses the Resource Interchange File Format as a container. WebP's lossy compression algorithm is based on the intra-frame coding of the VP8 video format.
Byte order  
Related file formats Has priority over Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF)  
Technical Environment  
Supported until  
Format Risk  
Developed by Google
Supported by Google
Source Digital Preservation Department / The National Archives
Source date 19 Jul 2013
Source description 08/2023 (v.113) - Added priority over fmt/1886 (Resource Interchange Format (RIFF)). Submitted by New York Public Libraries and Preservica. 11/2023 (v.115)- Added MIME identifier 'webp/image'. Submitted by Archives New Zealand. Submitted by Archives New Zealand. 04/2024 (v.118)- Corrected MIME identifier to 'image/webp'. Submitted by Archives New Zealand.
Last updated 14 Aug 2023
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