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External signatures File extension: iso
File extension: toast
File extension: dmg
Internal signatures
Name Apple Partition Map - ISO 9660 - UDF Hybrid Disk Image sig.1
Description BOF; Offset: 0; Magic Bytes: wildcard bytes between 0 to 16 bytes, followed by 0x45520200, an exact 508 wildcard bytes followed by 0x504D BOF; Offset: 32768; Max Offset: 103236; Magic Bytes: 0x4344303031, then wildcard bytes between 1 to 16384, followed by 0xFF4344303031 BOF; Offset: 32768; Max Offset: 69632; Magic Bytes: 0x00424541303101, then an exact of 2041 wildcard bytes, followed by 0x004E535230, then either 0x32 or 33 followed by 0x01
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Maximum Offset 0
Byte order  
Value {0-16}45520200{508}504D
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 32768
Maximum Offset 103236
Byte order  
Value 4344303031{1-16384}FF4344303031
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 32768
Maximum Offset 69632
Byte order  
Value 00424541303101{2041}004E535230(32|33)01
Name Apple Partition Map - ISO 9660 - UDF Hybrid Disk Image sig.2
Description BOF; Offset: 0; Magic Bytes: wildcard bytes between 0 to 16 bytes, followed by 0x45520800, an exact 2044 wildcard bytes followed by 0x504D BOF; Offset: 32768; Max Offset: 103236; Magic Bytes: 0x4344303031, then wildcard bytes between 1 to 16384, followed by 0xFF4344303031 BOF; Offset: 32768; Max Offset: 69632; Magic Bytes: 0x00424541303101, then an exact of 2041 wildcard bytes, followed by 0x004E535230, then either 0x32 or 33 followed by 0x01
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Maximum Offset 0
Byte order  
Value {0-16}45520800{2044}504D
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 32768
Maximum Offset 103236
Byte order  
Value 4344303031{1-16384}FF4344303031
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 32768
Maximum Offset 69632
Byte order  
Value 00424541303101{2041}004E535230(32|33)01
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