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External signatures File extension: mp2
File extension: mpw
File extension: mpa
Internal signatures
Name MPEG-1 Audio Layer II (protected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-1, layer II, protected (FFFCh); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value Ebh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFFCh) repeat
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}
Name MPEG-1 Audio Layer II (unprotected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-1, layer II, unprotected (FFFDh); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value EBh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFFDh) repeat
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}
Name MPEG-2 Audio Layer II (protected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-2, layer II, protected (FFF4h); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value Ebh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFF4h) repeat
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}
Name MPEG-2 Audio Layer II (unprotected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-2, layer II, unprotected (FFF5h); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value EBh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFF5h); repeat
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}
Name MPEG-1 Audio Layer II with ID3v2 Metadata Tag (protected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-1, layer II, protected (FFFCh); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value EBh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFFCh) Regularly-spaced frame headers should always be discoverable near EOF. An ID3v1 tag of up to 355 bytes may be present at EOF. The BOF byte sequence represents the MP3 ID3 tag.
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value 494433
Position type Absolute from EOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFC[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFC[10:EB]{7-500}000000{36-1426}
Name MPEG-1 Audio Layer II with ID3v2 Metadata Tag (unprotected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-1, layer II, unprotected (FFFDh); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value EBh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFFDh) Regularly-spaced frame headers should always be discoverable near EOF. An ID3v1 tag of up to 355 bytes may be present at EOF. The BOF byte sequence represents the MP3 ID3 tag.
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value 494433
Position type Absolute from EOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFD[10:EB]{45-1726}FFFD[10:EB]{7-500}000000{36-1426}
Name MPEG-2 Audio Layer II with ID3v2 Metadata Tag (protected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-2, layer II, protected (FFF4h); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value EBh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFF4h) Regularly-spaced frame headers should always be discoverable near EOF. An ID3v1 tag of up to 355 bytes may be present at EOF. The BOF byte sequence represents the MP3 ID3 tag.
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value 494433
Position type Absolute from EOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF4[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF4[10:EB]{7-500}000000{36-1426}
Name MPEG-2 Audio Layer II with ID3v2 Metadata Tag (unprotected)
Description You have to check for two or more frames in a row to be sure you are dealing with an mpeg file. Frame header: MPEG-2, layer II, unprotected (FFF5h); Bitrate index Sampling Frequency, padding bit (1 byte), Minimum value 10h, maximum value EBh; Minimum length of frame-3 to maximum length of frame -3; next frame header (FFF5h) Regularly-spaced frame headers should always be discoverable near EOF. An ID3v1 tag of up to 355 bytes may be present at EOF. The BOF byte sequence represents the MP3 ID3 tag.
Byte sequences
Position type Absolute from BOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value 494433
Position type Absolute from EOF
Offset 0
Byte order  
Value FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF5[10:EB]{45-1726}FFF5[10:EB]{7-500}000000{36-1426}
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