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Name PHP Script Page
Other names  
Identifiers MIME:  text/html
PUID:  x-fmt/169
Description A PHP script page (PHP script) written in PHP (PHP Hypertext Prepocessor) languge is a source code file that can be run by a PHP interpreter. PHP is a server-side scripting language that is often used to process inputs taken from the web and deliver dynamic content back to the HTTP client. PHP can be used as a generic scripting language, and so may be found in a standalone context, i.e. run on the command-line by calling the `php` command with the php script name as a command-line argument. A PHP script file may be an single script that is standalone or in support of a website, or form part of a number of scripts that form a module or library depending on the design pattern adopted by the developers of the script.
Orientation Text
Byte order  
Related file formats None.
Technical Environment  
Supported until  
Format Risk  
Developed by None.
Supported by None.
Source Digital Preservation Department / The National Archives
Source date 02 Aug 2005
Source description 04/2024 (v.118): Description added as part of PRONOM Research Week. Submitted by Ross Spencer.
Last updated 17 Apr 2024
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