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Name BinHex Binary Text
Other names  
Identifiers MIME:  application/mac-binhex40
PUID:  x-fmt/416
Classification Aggregate
Description BinHex or Binary to Hexadecimal is a text encoded system primary used for Macintosh Classic systems when transferring over email and for transferring online. The file can include the data and resource fork of a file along with original names, type, and creator. It can be combined with MacBinary, Stuffit and others. Encoding uses a 16-bit CRC for validation.
Orientation Text
Byte order  
Related file formats None.
Technical Environment  
Supported until  
Format Risk  
Developed by None.
Supported by None.
Source Digital Preservation Department / The National Archives
Source date 02 Dec 2010
Source description 04/2024 (v.118)- Signature modified to increase max-offset by 4k, beginning and ending colon added for conformance to specification. Description, notefield and MIME type updated. Submitted by Brigham Young University.
Last updated 15 Apr 2024
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