Accessions to RepositoriesAbout Accessions to RepositoriesIn its annual 'Accessions to Repositories' survey The National Archives collects information from over two hundred record repositories throughout the British Isles about manuscript accessions received in the previous twelve months. The results are an invaluable tool for researchers and also provide a vital knowledge base for The National Archives' work with the wider sector. They are fully searchable through Discovery. Users should note that dates for records are given when known, but that these are covering dates which do not necessarily indicate the presence of records for all of the intervening years. Records are included in the survey regardless of whether or not they have been catalogued, and users are strongly advised to check access details on Discovery or with the relevant repository to ascertain if this, or any other factors, may affect access. For 2016 onwards, the full dataset is published as a downloadable file at data.gov.uk. Find out more about Accessions to Repositories and read our report on annual trends and patterns. How to use Accessions to RepositoriesSelect a year then you can choose between viewing all accessions for a given topic from a list, or viewing all repositories that had new accessions in your chosen year.