Warwick University, Modern Records Centre: 1995 Accessions
Warwick University, Modern Records Centre
- NALGO Insurance: board of management minutes 1967-84 (MSS 20)
- Miscellaneous Series: political and social ephemera,incl some purchased items and material presented by Mr J Drew and the Trade Union Co-ordinating Committee Topics include: Comunist Party peace campaign material; Campaign for Equal State Pension Ages; trade union political funds ballot campaign (MSS 21)
- London Society of Compositors: Sun Engraving Company Composing Chapel minutes 1922-36 1942-50 (MSS 28/CO/6/SE)
- National Union of Press Telegraphists: Executive Committee minutes 1909-36 1961-5; London branch minutes 1940-65; Manchester branch minutes 1910-47; file rel to telegraphists cramp cases 1920s; Press Telegraphist 1951-3 1960-2 (MSS 39/PT)
- Les Dixon, past president of the NGA: papers rel to his admission to the Typographical Association and new technology (MSS 39/NGA/6)
- Professor Hugh Clegg: addnl files of research material (MSS 54)
- Coventry District EEA: contract drawing offices file 1955-81; files rel to national bargaining 1977-86 (MSS 66)
- Transport & General Workers Union: Research Department files, incl government and minor publications, enquiry files (MSS 126)
- Sir Victor Gollancz: addnl personal papers (MSS 157)
- NATFHE (ATTI) West Midlands Region: records 1939-75, branch and liaison committee accounts 1974-80, and regional handbooks; some records 1979-85 of the Midland branch of the Association of Principals of Colleges (MSS 176)
- Labour CND/TUCND: papers of Noel Hayes via TUC Library (MSS 181/TUCND)
- Professor Margaret Stacey: addnl papers from her research for Regulating British medicine, the General Medical Council (Chichester 1992) (MSS 184)
- GMB: FIATU: records, incl Utd French Polishers Soc annual reports 1927-52; NUGMW yearly reports; additions to The Clerk, later APEX (Clerical and Administrative Workers Union) 1908-89; additions to Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers Reports (monthly and annual) 1872-1976; National Union of Gasworkers and General Labourers, Reports 1896-1916 (MSS 192)
- British Airways Closed Shop Liaison Group: addnl papers of Mr Aikin-Sneath, group secretary (MSS 196)
- Confederation of British Industry: addnl papers 1970s-1983, incl papers from Director-Generals and Deputy Director-Generals offices, Economic Affairs Division, incl industrial policy department; Education and Training Division; Government Relations Division, incl industrial relations, Europe, health and safety, and pay and manpower (MSS 200/C)
- British Motor Corporation Joint Shop Stewards Committee: papers of L Gurl, its secretary, incl extensive reminiscences and personalia (MSS 22816)
- Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union: ASE reports 19th cent; Bury District addnl files, mainly post-war, rel to specific firms; war-time ring binder on relaxation agreement (MSS 259)
- West Midlands EEA: Master Patternmakers local agreement files 1961-84; files rel to Kidderminster Toolroom agreement, engineering strike 1979, and national claims 1974-5 1978-88 (MSS 265)
- World Federation of Scientific Workers: updating files (MSS 270)
- Council of Civil Service Unions: addnl papers (MSS 296)
- National Cycle Archive: British Cycling Federation records; personal papers: incl Eric C Claxton, Ch Engineer, Stevenage DC (cycleways); Fellowship of Cycling Old Timers; component catalogues, events programmes and a small corresp file of W Carey & Son, lightweight cycle specialists, Southampton; Midland Counties Cyclists Association records; tyre catalogues; personal papers of John Boyd Dunlop (MSS 328/B)
- Operational Research Society and Operational Research Archive: Education and Research Committee 1983-7; reports produced by the Institute for Operational Research (a semiautonomous unit of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, founded 1963) and a few other relevant records; Van Rest papers; press-cuttings volumes (MSS 335)
- Rubery Owen Ltd , manufacturing engineers and metal processors, Darlaston: minute books and other statutory records of parent company and subsidiaries; extensive corresp of Sir Alfred Owen rel to business and his evangelical interests (MSS 338)
- Fire Brigades Union: annual conference proceedings and reports 1927 1937-93, a few other minutes; some subject files; Firefighter 1941-92; FBU publications (MSS 346)
- Charles Dunbar, road haulage entrepreneur, consultant and writer: records of the National Conference of Parcels/Express Carriers 1937-46, and other bodies concerned with road transport policy; research files (MSS 347)
- Bookmarks Publications: a selection of publications 1979-91, together with corresp, circulars, reports and SWP committee papers (MSS 348)
- National League of the Blind: files rel principally to wages and conditions for blind and disabled workers and workshop disputes, mainly 1950s-1970s, but with some earlier and later material (MSS 349)
- Federal Union (Cavanagh) Collection: J P Cavanaghs collection of periodicals, pamphlets and files, late 1940s1950s, rel to the Federal Union, Federal Educational and Research Trust, World Movement for World Federal Government and similar bodies (MSS 350)
- Construction Industry Training Bd (Richard A Wood): papers (MSS 351)
- Road Haulage Applications and Decisions: Department of Transport Library set of printed summaries issued by Licensing Authority of each Traffic Area 1934-9 1946-89 (MSS 352)
- Tom Mann Memorial Fund: minute book 1942-83, income and expenditure account book 1945-94; secretaries files 1950-89, rel to Tom Mann Trades and Labour Hall and a weekend school on Mann 1983 (MSS 353)
- Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematography & Theatre Union (BECTU), BBC Television Branch: subject files on the re-organisation of engineering and scenic operations departments, and the contracting-out of services, as well as branch circulars and some publications 1970s-90s (MSS 354)
- National Dock Labour Board Nominees Ltd: articles of association 1949; minutes of AGM and Extraordinary GM 1950-90; minutes of directorsmeetings 1949-90; minutes and agenda 1985-90; file rel to properties 1949-89 (MSS 355)
- Paul Worm Automotive Industrial Relations Collection: transcripts of interviews conducted in early 1980s, presscuttings, shop stewards and other minutes, mainly related to Rover Co (MSS 356)
- Organisation and Methods Society: small group of collected items (MSS 357)
- Management Systems Training Council (wound up 1994): minutes and files (MSS 358)
- National Union of Glovers & Leatherworkers (MSS 359)
- National Amalgamated Stevedores & Dockers Union (MSS 360)