Kings College London, Liddell Hart Centre For Military Archives : 1995 Accessions
Kings College London, Liddell Hart Centre For Military Archives
- Maj Gen Frederick George Beaumont-Nesbitt (1893-1971): memoirs rel to his early life 1893-1914 and photographs, incl Hore-Belishas tour of the Maginot Line 1937
- Rear Admiral A S Bolt: night order book, HMS Theseus, Korea 1950-51, press cuttings rel to HMS Theseuss service in the Korean War, transcript of lecture HMS Theseus in the Korean War and some special problems of naval aviation in that theatre 1951, Minesweeping Wellingtons, Part 1: equipment and technique: early operations in the Thames Estuary 1979
- Sqn Ldr Francis Butcher: flying logbooks rel to training, as pupil and subsequently as an instructor 1937-45, photograph album rel to the construction of the Mosul Bridge, Iraq, by 18th Indian Div RE 1920
- Lt Col H R Carmichael: account of his capture and escape, Arakan, Burma 1943
- Lt Col O A J Cary-Elwes: papers rel to his service with the SAS in France during World War II 1947-65
- Sir Frank Cooper (1905-1987), 4th Bt (addnl): radio interview transcripts rel to Defence expenditure 1981, photographs of Royal Marines in the Falkland Islands after the Argentinian surrender 1982
- Col R D Cribb: maps of North Africa, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, France, Belgium, Italy, Gennany, Netherlands and UK, World War II
- Brian Lapping Associates: background research material, incl press cuttings, books and texts of UN resolutions, tapes and transcripts of interviews and transmitted programmes for the documentary series Death of Yugoslavia made by and transmitted on BBC2 1995 (Death of Yugoslavia)
- Lt Col Count J A Dobrski (addnl): corresp rel to SOE operations in Greece 1944-45 and letter from Capt Apollonio, Italian Artillery, confirming his surrender to SOE agents Bug and Moth 1944
- E R Drake Seager, Atomic Weapons Establishment: report on Operation Buffalo atomic tests at Maralinga, Australia 1956 with revisions 1994
- E J Embleton: Ministry of Information publications, incl English and foreign language volumes and pamphlets on the British Forces, the Home Front and the Empire, cartoon books, postcards and cigarette cards 1939-45
- Capt J A D Freeman: typescript of an article rel to the re-occupation of the Netherlands East Indies 1945-46
- Maj Gen John Frederick Charles Fuller (1878-1966): addnl letters to N P MacDonald rel to an article on patriotism requested by MacDonald 1934-35
- Lt Col K P P Goldschmidt: obituary giving details of his service with Leicestershire Regt 1938-70, press cutting rel to Leicester Regt service in Korea, with photograph of Goldschmidt 1951
- Lt Col A L Gracie: typescript account of the last 100 days of World War I 1918, letters home from Western Front 1917-18, letters home from BAOR 1919-20
- Sqn Ldr N F Harris: published memoir on his wartime service in RAF administration, England and East Africa 1939-45 and subsequent government posts in Kenya 1945-60
- Sqn Ldr Chariton Haw: corresp, cuttings and photographs rel to his service with 81 Sqn, RAF in Vianga, North Russia 1941
- Brig C E M Herbert: papers rel to a railway feasibility study in Tanganyika 1930, report as Commander of 501 Inter-Service Mission, on transportation and proposed military bases, East Africa 1945
- Capt John Howson, RN: memoirs (photocopy) rel to service in World War I, incl action at Dogger Bank 1915, and in World War II, incl Atlantic convoys, Norwegian campaign and Dunkirk 1940, Madagascar, Malta and North Africa 1942, Sicily and Italy 1943-44, Persian Gulf and India 1945
- Colin Humphreys: personal details and photographs of Imperial Defence College students 1970, IDC student essay by Humphreys 1970, report to NATO Nuclear Planning Group on politico-strategic aspects f maritime nuclear warfare 1979, lectures and conference papers rel to NATO 1981-85, corresp rel to NATO relief work 1978-90, photograph album of tourist views and fellow officers, Middle East, World War I, compiled by Lt James Cramner
- Brig W H Hynes: notebook and trenchmap, NW Europe, World War 1, maps and notes rel to Turkey 1920, notes on international politics c1930, photograph album and press cuttings rel to presentation of colours, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Singapore 1938, photocopy papers rel to Hynes command of troops, Falkland Islands 1942, reports on lines of communication and supplies, NW Europe 1944-45, papers rel to the Gennan economy and Emergency Economic Conunittee for Europe 1945-51
- Maj Gen Sir John Kennedy (1893-1970): papers rel to his career, incl diaries rel to his service with RA, Western Front 1916-18, diary of South Russia campaign 1919-20, diaries and papers rel to his service as Director of Military Operations, War Office 1940-43, papers rel to his governorship of Southern Rhodesia 1946-54, papers rel to the publication of his book The Business of War 1957
- Capt L C King-Wilkinson: orders for training exercise for 4/5th East Lancashire Regt TA 1931
- Capt Sir Basil Liddell Hart (1895-1970): addnl letter from Wg Cdr Crab Searle to Robert Graves, written from 211 Gp RAF, MEF 1943, describing his experiences of the war in North Africa for Graves and Liddell Hart
- Lt Col R F Lumley: manuscript autobiography (photocopy) rel to his life and career 1917-81, incl service in Gibraltar and Madras with North Staffordshire Regt 1930-31 and service in India 1943-45 as DAA and QMG, Embarkation HQ, Bombay
- Gp Capt J B Lynch: flying logbooks 1918-46 incl details of service in Aegean 1918, South Russia 1919, and Iraq 1931-34, photograph albums incl Iraq 1931-34 and negatives incl South Russia 1919
- Lt Col C E Maturin-Baird: personal papers rel to his World War II service, incl reports and notes rel to evacuation of BEF from France 1940
- Col Cyril Morgan: flying logbooks rel to his service as an Army Glider Pilot 1943-49, letters home from India 1945-47, personal corresp rel to his service with Nigerian Army in Congo 1959-65 and as Commander, British Training Team, Jamaica Defence Force 1968
- Maj Gen Ridley Pakenham-Walsh (1888-1966): transcript of message from Leslie Hore-Belisha, Secretary of State for War, to Gen Lord Gort, delivered verbally by Pakenham-Walsh rel to the Prime Ministers concern at weakness of the British section of the defensive Allied Line in North-East France 1939
- Lt Col T A Robertson: speeches (2) made at memorial service for Robertson, giving details of his World War II service as head of section B1 (a), MI5, turning German agents into double agents, and Operation Fortitude, a misinformation campaign to convince Germans that 1944 invasion was to be in Pas de Calais, not Nonnandy
- Capt H B R Rowell (addnl): letter (photocopy) to his father giving details of an extra oil tank designed and fitted by himself to an (unspecified) plane, his own adaptation of a Bowden wire motorcycle brake lever to work the Lewis gun trigger on his Bristol Scout 1916
- Capt R H Rump, RN: photograph album, incl photographs of Russian refugees, Black Sea 1920, and photographs rel to Rumps service on HMS Nelson 1929-31 incl photographs of Panama Canal and West Indies 1950s
- Sir Frederick Sowrey: papers rel to his career, incl personal corresp files, lectures, articles and conference papers rel to defence 1961-85
- Col R P Tong: files rel to training exercises at Staff College Camberley 1940 and Operation Dragoon, the planned invasion of southern France 1944
- Sir George Turner (addnl): letters home from the Western Front during World War I, personal diary 1940-41, second copy of memoirs 1941-61, incl contemporary corresp and memorabilia
- Vice Adm Sir Harold Arthur Brown (1878-1968): corresp and memoirs 1878-1950
- Edward Wickens: typescript memoir of service with the Middlesex Regt on the Western Front 1916
- Col Jack Williams: photograph album, mostly tourist views, rel to tour of duty in the Middle East 1941-43, photograph album rel to Germany 1945, showing bomb damage and incl British official photographs of Hansum flak control tower 1945 and photographs and report rel to Mohne Dam defences, notebook rel to his service as gunnery instructor in World War II
- Hydrographic Dept, Admiralty: eighteen maps rel to the development of the Battle of Jutland 1916 (MISC 62)