Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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London University: University College London (UCL) Manuscripts Room: 1998 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryLondon University: University College London (UCL) Manuscripts Room

  • Ernest Hubert Francis Baldwin, biochemist (addnl): papers 1926-83 (Baldwin Papers)
  • Dame Kathleen Lonsdale (1903-71), chemist and crystallographer: papers (Lonsdale Papers)
  • London University, University College Institute of Archaeology: records of excavations (IOA Archives)
  • London University, University College Medical School: records 1904-79 (UCLMS Archives)
  • Sir Charles Randolph Quirk, Professor of English Language and Literature: personal and departmental and administrative papers 1954-90 (Quirk Papers)
  • William Fleetwood Sheppard (1863-1936), barrister and Civil Service examiner: calculations of normal distribution values (Acc A628)
  • Slade School of Fine Art: unpublished typescript history by Stephen Chaplin 1998 (Ms Add 400)
  • John Zachary Young, anatomist and neurologist: papers, corresp with Brian Blundell Boycott, biochemist and typescript memoir of Young 1945-98 (Ms Add 401, Young papers)
