Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Edinburgh City Archives: 1998 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryEdinburgh City Archives

  • Ancient Order of Foresters, Edinburgh and Midlothian courts: records 1834-1992 (Acc 441, 466)
  • Cramond School Board: letter books 1890-1930 (Acc 450)
  • Danish Dairy Co, Edinburgh: records 1909-19 (Acc 449)
  • Edinburgh Board of Health: minutes 1831-32 (Acc 439)
  • Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce: records 1785-1982 (Acc 459)
  • Edinburgh City Architect: plans 1766-1923 (Acc 470)
  • Edinburgh City Council, Park Patrol: records (Acc 435)
  • Edinburgh City Field Artillery: minutes 1896-1906 (Acc 442)
  • Keith Geddes, Edinburgh City Councillor: papers 1982-90 (Acc 460)
  • William Hastie Lawrie, angling author: papers 1947-74 (Acc 436)
  • Lothian Regional Council: files and visitors books 1975-96 (Accs 448,468)
  • Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council: records 1972-88 (Acc 463)
  • McGregor & Co, corn merchants, Leith: records c1939-89 (Acc 431)
  • National Council of Women of Great Britain, Edinburgh branch: records 1950-82 (Acc 462)
  • Walter Nichol, teacher: papers 1827-50 (Acc 437)
  • St Christopher's and Glenvarlock Primary School: log book 1931-80 (Acc 467)
  • Tollcross Residents Association/Community Group: records c1980-89 (Acc 446)
  • Woods & Cairns Ltd, brassfounders and plumbers merchants, Edinburgh: records 1920-62 (Acc 454)
