Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Glasgow University Archive Services: 1998 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryGlasgow University Archive Services

  • Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Caterpillar branch, Uddingston: minutes 1983-87 (ACCN 1742)
  • David Fyfe Anderson (1904-1988), obstetrician and gynaecologist (addnl): papers (ACCN 1720)
  • Frederick Orpen Bower (1855-1948), botanist (addnl): drawings and corresp (ACCN 1740)
  • Glasgow Archaeological Society (addnl): records (ACCN 1697)
  • James Finlay & Co Ltd, tea planters, cotton mfrs and East Indies merchants: records rel to Consolidated Tea & Lands Co Ltd and Anglo American Tea Trading Co Ltd (ACCN 1733)
  • Peter Lester Payne (b 1929), economic historian: research papers (ACCN 1729)
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport (addnl): records (ACCN 1725)
  • Scottish Leisure Survey: survey files 1981 (ACCN 1701)
  • Robert Simpson Silver (1913-1998) mechanical engineer (addnl): papers (ACCN 1716)
  • George Thomson, chemist and author (addnl): family diaries 1859-1972 (ACCN 1702)
