Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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States of Guernsey Island Archives Service: 1998 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryStates of Guernsey Island Archives Service

  • Bethel Baptist Church, Vale: records 1838-1990
  • Samuel Dobree (1793-1862), industrialist: papers rel to fuel production
  • Anthony Durand (1836-1911), lieutenant colonel: papers incl rel to his service in the Indian army
  • Charles James Durand (1840-1932), colonel in Bengal Staff Corps: memoirs of Victorian Guernsey (later published)
  • Daniel Francis Durand (1745-1832), dean of Guernsey: papers incl Grand Tour expenses and letters of appointment
  • Havilland Durand, rector of St Mary de Castel, Guernsey: papers
  • Guernsey Methodist Church, French and English circuits: records 1773-1998
