Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Edinburgh City Archives: 2000 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryEdinburgh City Archives

  • Hare family of Calderhall: trust deed ledger of Lt Colonel James Hare incl annotated OS map of oil works 1883-1917
  • Edinburgh Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd: records rel to predecessor companies (Acc 532)
  • Edinburgh Western Cemetery Co: certificate of right of burial ledger and lair book 1872-79 (Acc 552)
  • Association of County Councils of Scotland: minutes and manuals 1890-1975 (Acc 551)
  • Lothian and Borders Police: files c1960-89 (Acc 526)
  • Old St Paul's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh: volumes (2) rel to the historical background of the church (Acc 522)