Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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London University: School of Oriental and African Studies Library: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryLondon University: School of Oriental and African Studies Library

  • Parsons family (addnl): papers rel to Hua Miao people and language (MS 380686)
  • Sir John Mansfield Addis, diplomat (addnl): diary 1933 (PP MS 25)
  • Mary D Hughes and Rev Martyn L Hughes, teachers: letters from Yenching University, Beijing, to parents and friends in England 1947-51 (Accession 53/03)
  • Rev George H Nobbs, missionary with the United Society for the Progagation of the Gospel: corresp from Norfolk Island, New Zealand c1870-1880 (MS 380810)
  • Ian Q Richardson, scholar: unpublished manuscripts on the Kipsigis people of Kenya (MS 380807)
  • Sir Ralph Lilley Turner (1888-1983), orientalist (addnl): academic research notes rel to Indo-Aryan languages (MS 380710)
