Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Royal Naval Museum: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryRoyal Naval Museum

  • Ronald Francis Boon, Leading Seaman: diary and service papers 1941-46 (2003/32)
  • William Godfrey Crawford, Admiral: typescript memoir c2003 (2003/99)
  • John Arbuthnot Fisher (1841-1920) 1st Baron Fisher, Admiral of the Fleet: misc corresp and papers (2003/29)
  • Maurice Frank Golesworthy, O/Tel RN: letters to his family 1943-45 (2003/109)
  • Frank Greenwood, Able Seaman: diary kept while serving with Royal Naval Siege Guns in Flanders and on HM Monitor and HMS Venture 1915-19 (2003/9)
  • Antony JT Harris, Midshipman: illustrated journal kept while serving in HMS Devonshire, HMS Barham and HMS Crusader 1933-35 (2003/57)
  • William Jones, Leading Seaman: diary and service cerificate 1912-34 (2003/76)
  • Edward Coverley Kennedy, Captain RN: diaries and papers 1893-1939 (2003/6)
  • Harold Laming, Sub Lieutenant RNVR: misc papers incl training notedooks from HMS King Alfred c1939-45 (2003/58)
  • Reginald Arthur Morgan, Yeoman of Signals: diary kept while serving on HMS Prince George 1914-17 (2003/78)
  • Robert Parker, Rear Admiral (addnl): diaries (2) kept as Commander on HMS Indomitable 1944-45 (2003/113)
  • John Stratfield, seaman: diary kept while serving on HMS Whirlwind 1940 (2003/112)
  • George Taylor, Commissioned Gunner: diaries and papers 1914-19 (2003/88)
  • Mark Thornton, Commander RN: papers rel to career 1938-55 (2003/67)
  • George Thring, Rear Admiral: papers rel to his naval service 1933-44 (2003/59)
  • LGP Vereker, Commander RNR: diary kept while serving in HMS Empress of Britain and HMS Ebro 1914-19 (2003/42)
  • David Woodland, Leading Seaman: typescript memoir 1998 (2003/40)
  • HMS Swiftsure Association: records 1944-2003 (2003/39)
  • HMS Windsor: provisions account 1721 (2003/77)
