Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Library: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryReligious Society of Friends (Quakers) Library

  • John Fothergill, physician (addnl): letter to his brother 1737 (ACC.11037)
  • Alizon Fox: papers rel to work with Friends Emergency and War Victims Relief Committee in France, Holland and Poland c1916-29 (ACC.11006)
  • Samuel Fox, Quaker: letter on suffrage to John Bright, with Bright's reply 1865 (ACC.11038)
  • Elizabeth Fry, prison reformer and Quaker minister (addnl): letter 1843 (ACC.11033)
  • Joseph F Radley, missionary: papers incl material rel to translation of Thomas a Kempis into Malagasy (TEMP MSS 988)
  • MS volume entitled 'Biographical notices' rel to 17th-19th cent Friends (ACC.11042)
