Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine: 2003 Accessions

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  • John Adam, oral history researcher: tapes (10) of interviews with former masters of workhouses (MS.8096)
  • Dr John Angus Black, consultant paediatrician: misc papers rel mainly to paediatrics (MS.8098)
  • Stanley George Browne, leprologist and medical missionary (addnl): papers c1918-86 (WTI/SGB)
  • Sir Samuel Rickard Christophers, protozoologist and expert in tropical medicine (addnl): corresp and papers c1970-79 (GC/161)
  • Private Richard Ernest Crompton, 93rd Field Ambulance Royal Army Medical Corps: diaries, photographs and ephemera 1915-18 (MS.8039-8041)
  • Sir William Richard Shaboe Doll, epidemiologist (addnl): papers rel to his work on asbestos, ionizing radiation, man-made minerals and oral contraceptives c1980-99 (PP/DOL)
  • Dr Woodfield Eagles, medical practitioner: material rel to education at Middlesex Hosptial with ledgers, diaries and other material rel to practice in Aylesbury c1860-1912 (PP/EAG)
  • Dr Hans Georg Epstein, anaesthetic physicist: corresp, notebooks, research and other papers, incl material on anaesthetic apparatus and history of resuscitation c1938-69 (PP/HGE)
  • Dr Harry Variot Langwill Finlay, paediatrician: case notes 1946-78 (PP/HVF)
  • Gayle Green, biographer: tapes of interviews and additional material rel to her biography of Alice Stewart, epidemiologist (PP/GGS)
  • Alexander Kincaid Handasyde, 1/3 Lowland Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps: photographs and memorabilia rel to non-medical service in Egypt, Gallipoli and the Middle East 1914-39 (MS.7912)
  • Dr John Holden, general practitioner (addnl): papers of the St Helens and Knowsley Medical Audit Advisory Group and Haydock Practice (GP/19)
  • Robert Johnson: lectures on natural philosophy and general knowledge mid 19th cent (MS.8087)
  • Carl Gustav Jung, psychoanalyst: letters (25) to Dr Helton Godwin Baynes, rel mainly to current affairs 1936-43 (MS.8088)
  • Ralph Ambrose Kekwick (1908-2000), biophysicist and pioneer in blood plasma research: papers (PP/KEK)
  • Tina Keller, associate of Carl Jung: unpublished autobiography and papers (PP/TKR)
  • Dr Jean Lindenmann: corresp with Dr Alick Isaacs and others rel to development and discovery of Interferon 1957-67 (GC/267)
  • Dr Colin McDougall, leprologist and dermatologist: corresp and papers rel to work with British Leprosy Relief Organisation and the World Health Organisation 1971-97 (PP/MCD)
  • Dr James MacKeith, forensic psychiatrist specialising in false confessions: papers rel to work as expert witness c1980-99 (PP/MCK)
  • Dr Joan Malleson, sexual health campaigner and pioneer in sex counselling: tape recordings (10) rel to sex therapy c1950-59 (PP/MAL)
  • Sir Peter Brian Medawar, medical scientist (addnl): notebooks rel to skin grafting and tolerance experiments 1949-61 (PP/PBM)
  • Alexander Monro, physician: lectures on osteology, taken by Willaim Elliott c1757 (MS.8102)
  • Edith Morgan (1920-2003), mental health specialist: papers covering her career, particularly rel to MIND (PP/EDM)
  • AD Morris, medical historian: papers rel to his biography of James Parkinson (PP/ADM)
  • Dr Dennis S Parsons and Dr Terence D Parsons, medical practitioners: student notes and misc family papers c1935-45 (PP/PAR)
  • Michael Rand, professor pharmacologist: corresp, mainly with Prof JH Burn, concerning noradrenergic transmission 1957-77 (MS.8044)
  • Dr Hugo Rast, surgeon appointed neutral observer in British prisoner of war camps (addnl): private patient files (10) and diaries (2) rel to wartime experiences c1926-50 (PP/RAS)
  • Sir Ronald Ross, bacteriologist (addnl): material rel to Hayling Island Mosquito Unit (GC/59)
  • John Edward Saul, director of Savoury & Moore Ltd: papers incl diaries and chronicle of his wife's illnesses (PP/JES)
  • Dr Charles Shrimpton, English doctor based in France (addnl): letters (2) written during the siege of Paris 1870 (MS.7610/15-16)
  • Dorothy Silberston, founding member of the National Schizophrenia Fellowship: organisational papers incl minutes, annual reports and draft history of the Fellowship (PP/DSI)
  • Dr Alice Stewart, epidemiologist (addnl): papers incl cuttings, articles and photographs (PP/AMS)
  • Fred Stratton, haematologist: papers rel to his career in blood transfusion in Manchester, incl research, lectures and publications 1959-2003 (PP/STR)
  • James Francis Tait and Sylvia Agnes Tait, biochemists: papers (MS.8128)
  • Frederick William Twort, bacteriologist (addnl): notebooks (10), ledger and notes (GC/176)
  • Dr Elizabeth Tylden, psychiatrist (addnl): files rel to Lambeth Drugline c1950-99 (PP/TYL)
  • Sir Almroth Wright, bacteriologist (addnl): letters early 20th cent (GC/70)
  • Dr Gerard Wyatt, biochemist: notebooks, corresp and other papers rel to his work on nucleic acids, incl DNA 1949-55 (PP/GRW)
  • GlaxoSmithKline, pharmaceutical manufacturers (addnl): records, incl minutes, images and records of Coopers McDougal & Robertson, veterinary subsidiary company c1860-1992 (WF 350)
  • Abortion Law Reform Association (addnl): records, incl papers of Vera Houghton when active in the Association c1935-99 (SA/ALR)
  • Association of Community Health Councils of England and Wales: papers c1970-2003 (SA/CHC)
  • British Social Hygiene Council (addnl): papers c1913-18 (SA/BSH)
  • British Transplantation Society: records 1972-2003 (SA/BTS)
  • Casualties Union: material rel to Dr E Colin Dawson's involvement with the Union, incl constitution, corresp and minutes (SA/CAS)
  • Chest, Heart and Stroke Association: records incl of predecessor bodies and of Queen Alexandra's Sanatorium Fund c1899-1989 (SA/NPT)
  • Health Visitors Association (addnl): records c1980-2001 (SA/HVA)
  • International Confederation of Midwives (addnl): records incl minutes c1980-99 (SA/ICM)
  • Jungian Umbrella Group: newsletters and editorial files c1990-2001 (SA/JUG)
  • Madison Clinic for Older People, Teddington: records c1958-94 (SA/MCO)
  • Medical Action for Global Security (MEDACT) (addnl): records c1990-99 (SA/MED)
  • Medical Recording Service Foundation and Graves Medical Audiovisual Library: files, catalogues and minutes 1957-93 (SA/GMR)
  • Medical Womens Federation (addnl): minutes and membership records c1970-2002 (SA/MWF)
  • MIND, the Mental Health Association (addnl): papers c1990-99 (SA/MIN)
  • National Abortion Campaign (addnl): records incl minutes c1981-2003 (SA/NAC)
  • Neonatal Society (addnl): minutes, programmes and abstracts rel to quarterly meetings 2002-03 (SA/NNS)
  • Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (addnl): papers rel to the Centenary of Medical Entomology symposium and to nominations for the Chalmers Medal c1977 (WTI/RST)
  • Society for Reproduction and Fertility: records incl of predecessor bodies and journals 1950-2003 (SA/SRF)
  • St Thomas Hospital, London (addnl): legal papers rel to the anatomical museum 1803-25 (MS/7084)
  • Wellcome Foundation (addnl): records c1879-92 (WF/BW)
  • Wellcome Foundation, Beckenham Photographic Library: negatives of people, places and projects funded by the Foundation, and photomicroscopy negatives c1945-92 (WF/M/1)
  • Wellcome Foundation Oral History Project: tapes and transcripts (WF/M/AV/OH)
  • Anonymous medical notebook c1750-1811 (MS/8046)
  • Anonymous student's transcripts of lectures of Gabriel Andral's 'Cours de pathologies interne', Paris 1830-33 (MS.8047)
  • Anonymous student's lecture notes of PA Piorry's course on the nervous system, Paris 1848 (MS.8083)
  • Memoirs of National Service Medical Officers (addnl) (PP/BLA)
  • Recipe books (6), from England and Ireland, rel to medicine and cookery 17th-19th cent (MSS.8042, 8043, 8045, 8048, 8086, 8097)
