Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Manx National Heritage Library: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryManx National Heritage Library

  • Sir James Gell, attorney general Isle of Man: corresp and papers c1870-1905 (Acc. No. 10682)
  • Sophia Morrison, secretary of Yn Cheshagt Ghailckagh/ Manx Language Society: corresp and papers 1901-14 (Acc. No. 10846)
  • Sir Ralph Clarmont Skrine Stevenson (1895-1977), diplomat: corresp and papers (Acc. No. 10859)
  • Heron & Brierley, brewers, Isle of Man: records 1898-1984 (Acc. No. 10698)
  • Isle of Man Municipal Association: records 1903-84 (Acc. No. 10671)
  • Manx Methodist District Synod: records 1942-88 (Acc. No. 10684)
  • Soldiers and Sailors Association, Isle of Man: records 1914-18 (Acc. No. 10793)
