Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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West Sussex Record Office: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryWest Sussex Record Office

  • Ewhurst manor, Sussex: court books 1736-1928 (Acc. 13100)
  • Goring manor, Sussex: court books 1677-1902 (Add. Mss 53,855-53,858)
  • Shermanbury manor, Sussex: court books 1366-1911 (Acc. 13100)
  • Lady Dorothy Longley, Sussex diarist: diaries and papers 1903-2002 (Acc. 13301)
  • Agriframes Ltd, nurserymen: minutes, files and photographs 20th cent (Accs. 13183, 13286)
  • Chaffer & Son, printers, Chichester: records c1936-94 (Acc. 130123)
  • Cheals of Crawley, nurserymen: records c1860-1969 (Acc. 13321)
  • Lec Refrigeration plc, Bognor Regis (addnl): records c1945-55 (Acc. 13111)
  • British Federation of Business and Professional Women, Chichester branch: minutes 1949-62 (Acc. 13261)
  • Chichester Community Health Council: records 1975-2003 (Acc. 13319)
  • Chichester Flower Club (addnl): records 1987-2002 (Acc. 13008)
  • Cuckfield Hospital: minutes 1949-72 (Acc. 13157)
  • Greenfields Residents' Association, Roffey: records 1968-78 (Acc. 13317)
  • Mid Downs Community Health Council: records 1974-2003 (Acc. 13309)
  • Royal Oakateers Club, Lagness: records 1973-2003 (Acc. 13027)
  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Chichester branch: records c1980-99 (Acc. 13311)
  • St Mary's Hospital, Chichester: records 1876-1998 (Acc. 13241)
  • Sheila Kaye-Smith Society (addnl): records 20th cent (Acc. 13279)
  • Shoreham and Littlehampton harbours: records 1857-1985 (Acc. 13306)
  • West Meads Choral Society, Bognor Regis: records 1964-96 (Acc. 13145)
  • Worthing Archaeological Society: minutes 1922-23 (Add Ms 53,859)
  • Worthing and District Community Health Council: records 1999-2003 (Acc. 13318)
