Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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York University: Borthwick Institute of Historical Research: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryYork University: Borthwick Institute of Historical Research

  • Anthony John Culyer, professor of economics, University of York: papers rel to the NHS Research and Development Task Force 1993-2001
  • J Rawlins: notes of lectures held at the Society of the Sacred Mission, Kelham 1933
  • Rowntree Mackintosh plc, confectionery manufacturers (addnl): specimen books, stock code register, papers and paintings 1920-96
  • York Methodist Construction Co: files 1990-99
  • Ancient Society of York Florists: records 1768-2003
  • Heworth Moor House, mother and baby home, York (addnl): records 1914-92
  • Merchant Taylors Company, York (addnl): cash books 1869-1999
  • York Community Health Council: minutes, reports and misc papers 1974-2003
  • York Diocesan Maternity Home: register of chapel services 1948-95
  • York Medical Society: minutes and papers, incl related societies 1810-1994
  • York Presbyterian Church: records 1873-1905
  • York Waits: papers and photographs rel to performances 1979-2001
  • Yorkshire Association of Medical Women: minutes and papers 1917-2003
  • Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust: papers 1987-98
