Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Oxford University: Regents Park College, Angus Library: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryOxford University: Regents Park College, Angus Library

  • Melbourn Evans Aubrey, General Secretary of the Baptist Union and Moderator of the Free Church Council: letters to Mrs Buxton 1936-38
  • Margaret Jarman, first woman President of the Baptist Union: photograph albums and associated papers 1987-88
  • Eynsham Baptist Church (addnl): papers 2001-03
  • New Road Baptist Church (addnl): building and trust papers, Sunday school minutes and accounts and other records c1819-2003
  • Southern Area Baptist Pastoral Committee: minutes 1997-2001
