Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Guildhall Library: 2003 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryGuildhall Library

  • John Bonus, slopseller, City of London: accounts of debts owed to his estate 1768-84 (Acc 2003/055)
  • Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd, London (addnl): records incl publication catalogues c1777-1995 (Acc 2003/096)
  • Clayton, Morris & Co, scriveners, merchant bankers and estate agents, London (addnl): corresp 1671-73 (Acc 2003/004, 020, 053)
  • Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd: records, incl of predecessor companies 1807-2003 (Acc 2003/017)
  • London Armourers and Brasiers Company (addnl): records incl minutes, accounts, inventories and photographs c1710-1970 (Acc 2003/052)
  • London Skinners Company (addnl): photocopied minutes of meetings rel to election day arrangements 1711-79 (Ms 34000)
  • London Upholders Company (addnl): records 1986-2003 (Acc 2003/021)
  • London Woolmens Company (addnl): records incl minutes, photographic copy of memorandum book 1549-2002 (Ms 6903/6, 6907A, 34395)
  • John Newton & Sons, scriveners and notaries, London: memorandum book 1810-37 (Acc 2003/051)
  • Russia Company (addnl): annual reports and accounts 1996-2000 (Ms 32801/1)
  • Seccombe, Marshall & Campion plc, discount brokers (addnl): accounts 1923-86 (Acc 2003/001)
  • Sissons, Bersey, Gain, Vincent & Co, chartered accountants, London: records 1895-1970 (Mss 33986-90, 34379)
  • Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors, London (addnl): plans of alterations to the Hall c1885-1947 (Acc 2003/058)
  • All Saints Church, Rouen: chaplain's book 1961-93 (Acc 2003/025)
  • Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England: Shakespear Lodge No 99, Westminster (addnl): minutes 1803-55 (Ms 33962/102)
  • Ancient Society of College Youths, bell ringers, London: microform copies of minutes and peal books 1820-1974 (Ms 21657/3-4, 21657A, 33992/1-7)
  • Cheap Ward, City of London (addnl): records incl minutes 1887-1964 (Acc 2003/007)
  • Corporation of Trinity House, London (addnl): records incl minutes, London pilots register, pilotage examination books 1819-2000 (Mss 30004/43 30010/146 30065A 30139A 30172/4 etc)
  • Diocese in Europe (addnl): Bishop's act book and agreement rel to church in Luxemburg 1977-2003 (Acc 2003/010, 025)
  • English Church, Bruges: minutes and accounts 1874-1946 (Ms 34985-6)
  • English Church, Ostend: records incl registers 1836-1998 (Acc 2003/045)
  • Guild of Cordwainers, London: records c1958-63 (Acc 2003/033)
  • HM Customs and Excise: letters from authors of confiscated counterfeit books, giving permission for books to be donated to lighthouse keepers, authors incl Arthur Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, Jack London 1905-82 (Ms 34397)
  • Institute of London Underwriters (addnl): committee minutes 1954-55 (Ms 31842/12)
  • Intercontinental Church Society (addnl): records, mainly recent chaplaincy corresp files 1884-2001 (Acc 2003/044)
  • Lisbon Anglican Chaplaincy (addnl): marriage and burial registers 1811-92 (Ms 33993-4)
  • London Diocese (addnl): faculties 1992-2003 (Acc 2003/57)
  • London Rifle Brigade (addnl): records incl newsletters 1939-88 (Mss 33982-5)
  • Machinery Users Association (addnl): annual reports and minutes 1934-36 (Acc 2003/032)
  • Marc Fitch Fund: research notes on early medieval London place names c1970-2003 (Acc 2003/043)
  • Office of the Banking Ombudsman: records 1985-2003 (Acc 2003/038)
  • St Andrew's Church, Tangier (addnl): records incl minutes and accounts 1885-1977 (Acc 2003/013, 022)
  • St Boniface Church, Antwerp (addnl): records incl burial and service registers 1821-2001 (Acc 2003/048, Ms 34398-9)
  • St George's Church, Knokke, Belgium: records incl register of burials 1920-2001 (Acc 2003/047)
  • St Katharine by the Tower (addnl): records 1802-2003 (Mss 19011/4-8, addn to 21674, 34948-60)
  • Society for the Protection of Life from Fire: records 1844-1976 (Mss 34978-84)
  • Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, bell-ringers, London (addnl): name books and peal books 1747-1897 (Ms 21658/1-2, 21659/1, 34393)
