Major accessions to repositories in 2004 relating to Publishing |
- Yellow Pages, telephone directory publishers: records 1969-2003 (D/EX 1868)
- WE Baxter Ltd, publishers: scrapbook 1781-1983 (Acc 9074)
- Hunter & Foulis Ltd, bookbinders, Edinburgh: records 1837-1984 (Acc 676)
- Sheffield Womens Printing Co-operative: records incl minutes, financial records, job books and office diaries c1980-2004 (2004/076)
- Bradbury & Evans, printers and publishers, London: papers incl business papers rel to Punch magazine 1843-2000
- David Douglas, bookseller and publisher: scrapbooks containing memoirs of his life and professional career 1847-1903 (Acc.12309)
- Robert Waterston, printer and stationer: papers, mainly rel to Waterston family and to George Waterston & Sons Ltd, printers, stationers and sealing wax manufacturers, Edinburgh 18th cent-20th cent (Acc.12330)
- Canongate Publishing Ltd, Edinburgh: corresp and papers rel to the the publication of the Canongate Classics series 1985-2003 (Acc.12340)
- Morning Star Press, Edinburgh: additional papers 1998-2002 (Acc.12327)
- Raymond Press, Cullen: records, mainly sample books 1967-1997 (Acc.12322)
- James Thin Ltd, booksellers, Edinburgh: accounts, administrative and staff records incl papers rel to Bristo Street Secession Church 1848-2004 (Acc.12384)
- David Tipton, poet and author: additional records incl corresp with publishers 1950-2004 (TIP)
- F E Pardoe, printer, Birmingham : corresp rel to private press interests and publications incl letters from Laurence Whistler, engraver on glass and writer (MS121)
- Carcanet Press, publishers, Manchester: editorial records 1996-2002 (Acc 2004/14)
- William Clowes & Sons Ltd, printers and publishers, London: ledgers 19th-20th cent
- Ladybird Books Ltd, publishers, Loughborough: original artwork, proofs and supporting documentation c1940-99
- Frederick Warne & Co Ltd, publishers, London: ledgers (28), incl publication books and copyright receipts 20th cent