Leigh Rugby League Club: minute books 1905-1939 (Acc 4190)
National Union of General and Municipal Workers: Leigh branch: subscription ledger 1919-1997 (Acc 4186)
National Union of Mineworkers, Wigan area: membership ledger, meeting minutes, ledgers, hospital attendance lists, lists of women employed c1941-1975 (Acc 4187)
Orrell and Lamberhead Green Methodist Circuit: minutes 1956-1987 (Acc 4191)
St James parish, Poolstock: parochial church council minutes, rental records and parish maps (Acc 4174)
St Thomas parish, Poolstock: parochial church council minutes, rental records and parish maps (Acc 4174)
St Matthew parish, Highfield: parochial church council minutes 1953-1994 (Acc 4196)
St Aidans parish, Billinge: bible class minutes 1935-1950 (Acc 4199)
Bluecoat School, Hallgate: punishment book 1922-1952 (Acc 4226)
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