Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives Division: 2004 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryLondon University: London School of Economics Library, Archives Division

  • John Latto Farquharson Buist, civil servant: papers rel to campaign for gay and lesbian rights in the civil service 1973-2003 (HALL CARPENTER ARCHIVES)
  • Ernest Andre Gellner, philosopher: additional transcripts and papers 1946-2001 (GELLNER)
  • Michael Hellman, mental health campaigner: corresp rel to his campaign to obtain an enquiry into his treatment at Horton Hospital, Epsom 1955-2004 (HELLMAN)
  • John Gordon Hargrave, artist and writer: mss and tss rel to Kibbo Kift 1912-1960 (YMA/KK)
  • George Lansbury, Labour politician: additional corresp 1906-1938 (POSTGATE)
  • Raymond Postgate, socialist historian and journalist: files, corresp, reports personal and family papers 1870-1980 (POSTGATE)
  • Daisy Postgate, nee Lansbury, writer: diaries and personal papers 1889-1964 (POSTGATE)
  • Brian Abel-Smith, Professor of Social Administration: additional papers 1940-1990 (ABEL-SMITH)
  • Sir David Martin Scott Steel, MP Leader of the Liberal Party: additional corresp, diaries and papers 1977-1999 (STEEL)
  • Peter Tatchell, gay activist politician: additional papers 1990-1999 (HALL CARPENTER ARCHIVES)
  • Ionian Bank: additional corresp 1930-1960 (IONIAN BANK)
  • Association of Social Anthropologists: additional papers 1999-2003 (ASA)
  • British International Studies Association: additional corresp and papers 1976-2002 (BISA)
  • The Economic Club, London School of Economics: minutes, corresp and reports 1927-1954 (COLL MISC 0993)
  • Federal Union: additional papers, minutes, corresp and reports 1939-2001 (FEDERAL UNION)
  • Forum Against Ethnic Violence: papers 1993-1999 (COLL MISC 1127)
  • Wider Share Ownership Council: corresp, minutes and papers 1958-2003 (WSOC)
