Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Wellcome Library: 2006 Accessions

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  • A John Beale, virologist: papers rel vaccination science, policy and practice 1980-2005 (PP/AJB)
  • Frank Dickinson, contact lens pioneer: lecture notes, conference papers and general synopses of conferences, clinical jottings, cuttings and photographs 20th cent (PP/FDN)
  • Charles Arthur Lovatt Evans, physiologist: letters from distinguished scientists, collected by Miss S Ainsworth 1920s-1960s (MS.8435)
  • Thomas Graham, naval surgeon: corresp, mainly letters to his sister in Scotland 1846-1850 (MSS.8416-8419)
  • Dominique Jean Larrey, Baron Larrey, surgeon: letter to his wife describing the battle of Borodino 1812 (MS.8164)
  • Ronald Mackeith, paediatrician: papers 20th cent (PP/MKH)
  • Peter Brian Medawar, medical scientist: additional papers 20th cent (PP/PBM)
  • Lt-Colonel David Middleton: papers rel military service, especially incarceration in Changi Gaol, Singapore c1939-1949 (PP/MID)
  • Eileen Palmer, feminist: papers rel international birth control movement 20th cent (PP/EPR)
  • Jonathan Pereira, pharmacologist: letters 1833-1850 (MS.8451)
  • Charles Rycroft, psychoanalyst: corresp, appointment diaries, papers, memorabilia 20th cent (PP/RYC)
  • Charles Charnley, chemist and druggist, Wilmslow: recipe books 19th cent-20th cent (MSS.8437-8438)
  • Alcohol Education Research Council: council and committee minutes and papers, project files c1980-1999 (SA/AER)
  • Association for Research into Restricted Growth: minutes, corresp, newsletters, articles 1970s-1980s (SA/RRG)
  • Birth Control Trust: additional papers 20th cent (SA/BCT)
  • British Society for the Study of Prosthetic Dentistry: additional records 1903-1999 (SA/SPD)
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapists: audio visual material, AGM and committee minutes rel Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists 1968-2002 (SA/CSP)
  • Hunterian Society of London: laws of the Society 1820 (MS.5540)
  • Nation's Fund for Nurses: minutes and accounts 20th cent (SA/NFN)
  • Neonatal Society: agendas and minutes of AGMs and committee meetings, programme and abstract booklets 1999-2003 (SA/NNS)
  • Priory Hospital, Roehampton: logbook 1905-1909 (MS.8455)
  • Royal College of General Practitioners: fellowship applications and other papers 1989-2005 (SA/RCG)
