Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Warwick University: Modern Records Centre: 2006 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryWarwick University: Modern Records Centre

  • Rodney Bickerstaffe, General Secretary for UNISON: papers 20th cent (MSS.556)
  • William Buxton, trade unionist: papers rel to his role as an official of Coventry Trades Council c1919-1935 (MSS.5)
  • Alan Clinton, politician and historian: papers rel to Union of Post Office Workers c1924-1981 (MSS.148)
  • RM Currie, writer on management services: papers rel to to publication 'Work Study' c1960-1965 (MSS.414/6)
  • Alan Wainwright Fisher, trade unionist: papers 20th cent (MSS.562)
  • Sir Hrothgar John Habakkuk, economic historian: papers rel to an unpublished history of the Iron and Steel Board 20th cent (MSS.580)
  • Dianne Hayter, General Secretary of the Fabian Society: collection of political material incl papers on St Ermins Group 20th cent (MSS.552)
  • AW Kempson, cyclist: cycling diaries, membership papers and photographs 1917-1985 (MSS.328/N/54)
  • Ron Todd, trade unionist: papers 1985-1992 (MSS.572)
  • Herbert Arthur Frederick Turner, professor of industrial relations, Cambridge University: personal research files, corresp and publications 20th cent (MSS.540)
  • Amalgamated Association of Operative Cotton Spinners of Lancashire and Cheshire: records incl minutes and annual reports 1888-1969 (MSS.467)
  • Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Technical, Administrative and Supervisory section: Tube Investments conveners files c1973-1986 (MSS.549)
  • British Educational Research Association: additional records incl minutes, research assessment exercises and publications (MSS.268)
  • Certification Office for Trade Unions and Employers Associations: administrative records and corresp files rel to ballot procedures for range of trade unions 1980-1999 (MSS.564)
  • Civil Service Clerical Association: committee minutes 1950-1975 (MSS.571)
  • Confederation of British Industry: additional records 2004-2005 (MSS.2000C/2005, 581)
  • Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Coventry district committee: minutes 1958-1966 (MSS.579)
  • Graphical, Paper and Media Union, Central Midlands branch: records incl predecessor organisations 1900-1980 (MSS.555)
  • Make Poverty History: press cuttings, films and background files c2005 (MSS.551)
  • National Union of Teachers: additional records incl minutes (MSS.179)
  • National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives: minutes, membership registers, annual and monthly reports, photographs and branch records of of NUBSCO and successors c1850-1979 (MSS.547)
  • National Union of Bank Employees, Grantham and Newark branch: records 1920-1968 (MSS.579)
  • Ryton Car Plant Joint Shop Stewards Committee: minute books, contact books and incident books 1968-2006 (MSS.577)
  • Society of Graphical and Allied Trades: records incl NATSOPA papers rel to Wapping dispute 1986 (MSS.557)
  • Stoke Plant Joint Shop Stewards Committee: minutes and corresp 1949-1967 (MSS.578)
  • Tea Council of Great Britain: minutes and administrative records 20th cent (MSS.563)
  • Transport and General Workers Union: records of the Education Department (MSS.573)
  • Transport and General Workers Union: records incl minutes c1920-1980 (MSS.126/TW)
  • UNISON: eastern region minutes and reports for trade union and joint councils 20th cent (MSS.567)
  • UNISON: committee minutes and papers 1994-2003 (MSS.566)
  • United Kingdom Society of Coachmakers, Stockport branch: minutes 1918-1945 (MSS.569)
