Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven: 2006 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryCumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven

  • JB Banks & Son, ironmongers, Cockermouth: additional records 1840-1971 (YDB 8)
  • Cumberland Motor Services Ltd, motor omnibus proprietors: ledgers 1921-1969 (YDB 64)
  • TC Hall, coal and coke merchants, St Bees: ledger 1924-1926 (YDB 67)
  • Henderson & Chalmers, medical practitioners, Whitehaven: maternity lists 1893-1948 (YDB 65)
  • Workington Iron & Steel Co Ltd: letter book, compensation payments ledgers, lensile test books etc 1889-1995 (YBSC)
  • Ambleside Oral History Group: sound recordings of oral history project by Lorton and Derwent Fells Local History Society 1996-2006 (YDSO 86)
  • Eskdale Outward Bound Mountain School: papers, course reports and photograph albums 1950-1995 (YDSO 41)
  • Garth Infant School, Workington: log book and minutes 1962-2000 (YDS 70)
  • Harrington United Reformed Church: additional baptismal register, session minutes and account books 1882-2006 (YDFCP 2)
  • Hensingham Methodist Church: accounts, collection journals, and pulpit notice books 1937-1991 (YDFCM 2)
  • Moresby parish: additional accounts and corresp 1843-1945 (YPR 15)
  • National Trust: North Cumbrian Club minutes, newsletters, itineraries and papers rel to social activities 1980-1998 (YDSO 87)
  • Oxford Archaeology North: archaeological reports for projects in Whitehaven and Cockermouth 2005 (YDSO 39)
  • Parton Parish Council: minutes, accounts and councillors' declarations 1894-1976 (YSPC 26)
  • St Bees Free Grammar School: school and class lists, accounts, minutes, corresp and misc papers 1834-1993 (YDS 60)
  • St Mary's Church, Ennerdale and St Michael's Church, Lamplugh: additional minutes, registers and accounts 1786-1999 (YPR 12)
  • St Luke's Parish Church, Clifton: additional registers 1938-2004 (YPR 40)
  • St Cuthbert's parish, Seascale: minutes 1919-2001 (YPR 39)
  • Trinity Methodist Church, Workington: marriage registers 1862-1991 (YDFCM)
  • Whitehaven Methodist Circuit: minutes, accounts, corresp, registers, inspection reports, and directories 1962-2006 (YDFCM 2)
  • Workington Rugby Football Club: minutes, accounts, annual reports and match records 1988-2000 (YDSO 49)
  • Workington Congregational Church: baptismal register, corresp, transfer certificates, and orders of service 1850-1988 (YDFCCL 4)
