Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Exeter University Library (Special Collections): 2006 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryExeter University Library (Special Collections)

  • Whittall family of Smyrna: further papers 2005 (MS 259)
  • Donald Barber, biophysicist and astronomer: papers incl papers rel to Norman Lockyer Observatory 1910-1999 (MS 303)
  • John Stokes Bennett, actor manager, Exeter: theatrical scrapbook and papers 1773-1829 (MS 311)
  • Frederick W Clayton, classicist and Shakespeare scholar: research papers 20th cent (MS 300)
  • John Fairfax, writer: papers re establishment Arvon Foundation 20th cent (MS 272)
  • Margaret Forster, author and biographer: research papers for biography of Daphne Du Maurier c 1993 (MS 307)
  • Sheila Hodges, publishing editor and music critic: research papers 1960-1999 (MS 301)
  • Thomas Ley, vicar of Crediton: ms relating to Crediton, Barnstaple (Dodderidge) and Totnes parish libraries 1689-1721 (MS 245)
  • John Lloyd, librarian and bibliophile, Exeter: personal and research papers 1925-1975 (MS 310)
  • Ernest Walter Martin, historian: papers rel to the history and literature of the Westcountry 20th cent (MS 309)
  • Ernest Walter Martin, historian: letters to Jackson Page 1949-1979 (MS 312)
  • John Moat, writer and artist: additional literary papers 2006 (MS 230)
  • Alfred Leslie Rowse, historian: additional papers 1970-1989 (MS 113)
  • Lawrence Sail, poet, critic and translator: additional literary papers 1974-2006 (MS 212)
  • Sir Arthur John Wilton, diplomat: additional papers rel to Egypt 2004 (MS 264)
  • International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP): papers 1982- (MS 315)
  • Norman Lockyer Observatory: papers rel to Sidmouth and District Astronomical Society 1913-1989 (MS 72)
