Major accessions to repositories in 2007 relating to Labour MovementLocal
- Jepson, trade unionist: records incl minutes and corresp rel to work as a shop steward at Barnsley Brewery 1970-1980 (A/3155/P)
- Workers Educational Association, Bedfordshire District: records 1917-1990 (X934)
- National and Local Government Officers Association, Cambridgeshire branch: further minutes and newsletters 1974-1997 (R107/075)
- Transport and General Workers Union, Coventry district: minute book 1947-1949 (PA2711)
- Amicus, Derby and Chesterfield branches: minutes, accounts and other records late 20th cent (D6740)
- Deal, Sandwich and District Teachers Association: minutes and accounts 1887-1969 (Ek/Ch21)
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers, Lewes branch: records incl minutes 1968-89 (9806)
- Workers Educational Association, Essex Federation: further records 1938-1988 (D/Z 488 addl., D/Z 509-510)
- National and Local Government Officers Association: Glasgow District branch, libraries department: records (transfer from Mitchell Library) 1911-1975 (TD1682)
- Railway Clerks Association: Glasgow central branch: minutes, annual reports and balance sheets (transfer from Mitchell Library) 1922-1937 (TD1687)
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners and Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Gloucester branch records 1866-1970 (D10953)
- Friendly Society of Operative Cabinet Makers, Gloucester branch: minutes 1874-1920 (D10953)
- Workers Educational Association, Cheltenham branch: minutes and papers 1993-2007 (D4227)
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation: records incl quarterly reports, minutes and financial statements 1984-2004
- National Union of Teachers, Caernarfonshire: minutes 1939-1965 (XM12290)
- Hammersmith and Fulham Trades Council: additional records 1967-1994 (A2007/12)
- Hertfordshire Police Federation: minutes and papers 1943-1994 (Off Acc 1458)
- Workers Educational Association, Hertfordshire Federation: records 1943-1987 (Acc 4310)
- National Union of Railwaymen: Preston no 1 branch and Lostock Hall no 2 branch, secretarys' cash books and balance sheets 1971-1994 (DDX 2129/acc10100)
- Leicester and District Trades Union Council: minutes 1956-1972 (DE7275)
- Amicus, Lincoln branch: financial records rel to predecessor organisations 1876-1988 (AMICUS)
- Loyal Free Industrious Society of Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths, Number 15 branch, Grantham: minute/payment books, trade call books and out of work receipt books 1880-1910 (MISC DON 1389)
- Workers Educational Association, Nettleton branch: minute books 1958-1996 (MISC DEP 674)
- Graphical, Paper and Media Union, Liverpool branch: records incl reports and minutes 1900-1907 (Acc 6159)
- Workers Educational Association, Eastern District: records, incl some of Norfolk county federation and rel to Carbrooke, Gorleston, Hethersett and Norwich branches 1939-84 (ACC 2007/21)
- National Union of Journalists, Barnstaple branch: contribution book 1911-1929 (A82)
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers and Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers: Whitby branch records 1912-1980 (ZUR)
- Whitby Friendly Society of Operative Stone Masons: contribution book 1900-1921 (ZUR)
- Workers Educational Association, Newark branch: minutes and accounts 1925-1975 (7212)
- Records rel to various trade unions incl Oxford and District Trades Council, Oxford Trades Hall Committee, Home Counties Federation of Trades Councils, Trades Union Election Campaign Committee, Oxford and District Trades Union Council, Amalgamated Engineering Union: Oxford District branch, with papers of Lesley Gurl, leading trade unionist at Morris Motors (British Leyland) c1920-89 (Acc 5639)
- National and Local Government Officers Association, Brecknock branch: minutes 1974-1990 (B/SOC/17)
- National Union of Teachers, Sheffield association: additional minutes 1883-1988 (MD7712)
- Len Edmondson, trade unionist and Labour Party activist: personal and political papers c1940-2006 (DF.ED)
- Thomas J Turnbull, Deputy Clerk of the Peace for Northumberland: letters to Mr Thorpe, Clerk of the Peace, Northumberland rel to pitmen's strike 1831 (DF.TT)
- National Union of Railwaymen, Newcastle no 4 branch: minutes 1932-35 (TU.NUR1)
- National Woolsorters Society: annual reports, details of rates of pay and payment books 1954-1973 (WYB353)
- National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers: additional records 1911-2002 (WYB355)
- East Ardsley and District Trades and Labour Council: records 1922-1956 (WYL2158)
- Leeds Trades Council: records 1909-1985 (WYL2155)
- Chippenham Trades Union Council: corresp and papers 1968-1977 (3580)
- National Union of Journalists, Wolverhampton branch: minute books 1906-1919 (DX-1017)
- Wolverhampton Teachers Association: minutes, financial records and misc papers 1970-1990
- James Bedford, trade unionist: scrapbooks containing records incl corresp and MSS rel to election campaigns and trade union work 1891-1897 (BEDFORD)
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists, Millwrights, Smiths and Patternmakers: quarterly reports from local branches 1853-1879 (ASE)
- Evening Standard Outside Chapel, London: records incl minutes 1928-2005 (ESOC)
- National Miners Support Network: corresp and financial records 1992-1993 (NMSN)
- Association of University Teachers, Aberdeen branch: further minutes and corresp 1991-2006 (Acc no 284)
- Graphical, Paper and Media Union, Aberdeen and district branches: records incl predecessor printing and media unions 1926-2006 (Acc no 269)
- Association of University Teachers, University of London Computer Centre branch: minutes and papers 1976-1996 (UoL/ULCC/temp/2007)
- National Union of Mineworkers, South Wales area: minutes, accounts and register rel to South Wales area lodges, Cross Hands Public Hall, Gwendraeth Trades Council and Labour Party 1933-1992 (2007/25)
- Rodney Bickerstaffe, General Secretary for UNISON: records incl papers rel to campaign for national minimum wage c1935-2005 (604)
- Clearing Bank Union: records incl national executive committee minutes, memoranda and files rel to dissolution of union, finance and arbitration 20th cent (596)
- Community and Youth Workers� Union (CYWU): records 20th cent (587)
- Inland Revenue Staff Federation and Inland Revenue Departmental Whitley Council, trade union side: additional records c1930-1999 (600)
- International Transport Workers Federation: records incl biographies, photographs, trade union files by country, videos, audiotapes and microfilms 20th cent (611)
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation: photographs, publications and misc administrative papers 19th-20th cent (597)
- Massey-Ferguson, joint shop stewards committee: minutes and corresp 20th cent (606)
- National Union of Public Employees, Blackpool branch: minutes 1935-1942 (604)
- National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education: additional records 20th cent (614)
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers, Dartford branch: minute book 1927-1945 (589)
- National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives (NUBSCO): photographs, publications and misc administrative papers 19th-20th cent (597)
- Prospect, trade union: records 20th cent (583)
- Society of Radiographers: minutes 20th cent (603)
- Society of Civil and Public Servants: additional records 20th cent (612)
- Union of Communication Workers: conference proceedings 2002-2007 (593)