Major accessions to repositories in 2008 relating to ScienceLocal
- Scientific Instrument Research Association: photographs and published material c1947-58 (1816)
- Thomas Dyson and William Evans: meteorological registers 1869-1935 (DDX1282)
- Winchester and Hampshire Scientific and Literary Society: annual reports and material rel to members, events, meetings and finance 1871-1939 (94A08W)
- NV Pope, science philosopher: corresp comprising philosophical and scientific dialogues with a variety of experts c1995-2008 (D/D NVP)
- Spen Valley Literary and Scientific Society: additional records, incl corresp, agreements and reports 1911-1950 (WYK1461)
- Jersey Meterological Office: papers incl daily registers of meteorological observations 1937-1999 (JA/1315)
- Dennis Curry, businessman, geologist and philanthropist: records incl papers, corresp and photographs 1962-2001 (P MMS (Earth Sciences Llibrary))
- Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin, bacteriologist: typescript volumes rel to travels in Vietnam 1890s (MSS.8607-08)
- Biochemical Society: administrative papers and personal papers of individuals incl Dr Frederick Sanger c1895-2006 (SA/BIO)
- Patrick Copland, professor of natural philosophy at Aberdeen: family letters (c70) c1748-1822 (Acc 316)
- British Astronomical Association: files of Aurora section rel to noctiluscent cloud observations 1971-2005 (Acc 320)
- Spencer George Perceval, antiquary and geologist: antiquarian and other corresp 1867-1905 (MS Add. 9795-97)
- Cuthbert Christy, explorer and zoologist: diaries, notes, letters, reports, publications and maps written or collected by Christy during his medical and zoological work in Scotland, Africa and India c1889-1930 (RCMS 124)
- Sir Hermann Bondi, mathematician and astronomer: further corresp and papers, incl some as Master of Churchill College, Cambridge c1980-89 (BOND)
- Walter Eric Spear, physicist: journal articles, lecture notes and papers, particularly rel to research into amorphous silicon 1951-90 (2008/307)
- Shanwell Meteorological Station: statistical data and charts c1960-1979 (2008/320)
- James Norman Davidson, biochemist: papers 1947-1972 (ACCN3234)
- Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith, geneticist: records 1987-2008 (UGC188)
- James Thomson Bottomley, electrical engineer: papers rel to Bottomley, Lord Kelvin and scientific matters incl telegraph cable laying 1865-1925 (Accession Number: 4943)
- Patrick Miller, banker and inventor: corresp, with some transcripts and related 20th cent corresp c1780-1815 (Accession Number: 4944)
- William Thomson, Baron Kelvin, physicist: papers of the Thomson family incl James Thomson (1822-1892), engineer c1814-1924 (MS Gen 1752)
- Donald Watts Davies, computer scientist: records incl some corresp and research papers rel to data security and ciphers, work at National Physical Laboratory and interest in the history of cryptography 1936-2004 (B/Davies)
- William Sydney Elliot, computer engineer: records incl corresp and papers rel to work at Imperial College and advisory and consultancy work for the Ministry of Technology and Ministry of Industry 1935-2000 (B/Elliot)
- University of Liverpool Student Biological Society: minute book 1953-1969 (D1030)
- Stephen Finney Mason, professor of chemistry: papers 1859-2007 (K/PP174)
- Horace Edgar Rose, professor of powder technology: papers 1937-1965 (K/PP176)
- King's College London, Computing Centre: administrative records incl committee papers 1967-2005 (KA/COM)
- Edward Raymond Andrew, physicist: research and professional papers c1940-1999 (PRA)
- Brian Worthington, professor of academic radiology: research and professional papers c1960-2007 (PBW)
- Arnold Tinn and Bary Elliott, meteorologists: meteorological readings and other papers c1930-2004 (Met/Be)
- Philips Electronics: Research Laboratories photographic collection, with conference videos and annual reviews c1930-2000
- Edgar William John Mitchell, physicist: teaching and research papers 1944-2002 (MS5343)
- Donald Hugh Tomlin, Ministry of Defence scientist: additional papers rel to the development of radar 1921-2008 (MS 260)
- Arthur Willis, botanist: research papers 1948-2006 (MS 391)