Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Cambridgeshire Archives: 2008 Accessions

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  • Maynard family of Whittlesford: further family papers 19th cent-20th cent (R108/062)
  • Peyton family, baronets, of Doddington (addnl): Cambs (Doddington, etc), Hunts (Great Raveley) and Norfolk (Emneth) estate survey, report and valuation 1809, with Cambs and Hunts estate plans and terrier 1866 1809-1866 (R108/074)
  • Wale family of Little Shelford: further family papers 18th cent-20th cent (R108/072)
  • TH Earys: papers rel to Cambridge (Caxton) Aerodrome 1934-45 (R108/009)
  • Cambridge Arts Theatre: records of Cambridge Arts Cinema c1930-1998 (R108/082)
  • Cambridge Bookbinding Co: records 1939-1987 (R108/006)
  • Fowlmere farmer's account book 1886 (R108/038)
  • Cambridgeshire Historic Buildings Trust: corresp rel to the restoration of properties in Wisbech, Whittlesey, etc 1984-2000 (R108/010)
  • Chicheley Compensation Money Charity, Wimpole: accounts and papers 1973-1999 (R108/048)
  • Hauxton Parish Council: accounts, corresp and papers 1935-2000 (R108/018)
  • Madingley Church of England School: account book 1952-78, with other parochial papers 20th cent 20th cent (R108/037)
  • Prickwillow Methodist Chapel Sunday School: account book 1963-1983 (R108/058)
  • Prickwillow Church of England School: managers declarations 1882-1910 and minutes 1903 1882-1910 (R108/057)
  • United Reformed Church, Eastern Province: further deeds for Cambs properties 17th cent-20th cent (R108/073)
  • Victoria Homes for Aged People, Cambridge: misc records c1933-1995 (R108/080)
  • Waterbeach Level Internal Drainage Board: work diaries 1943-74, report book 1943-46 1943-1974 (R108/033)
  • Willys Almshouse Charity, Fen Ditton: minutes, accounts and papers 1879-1998 (R108/017)
  • Quitclaim by William Catell of land formerly belonging to Thomas Eyr of Whaddon 1438 (R108/055)