Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch: 2008 Accessions
Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch
- Dillwyn Simms family of Ipswich: family corresp and papers 17th cent-19th cent (HA437)
- Gooding family of Witnesham: family corresp c1920-1939 (HD2656)
- Saumarez family, Barons de Saumarez: Repton red books (Livermere, Nacton and Shrubland) 1789-92, Livermere and Shrubland house, garden and park plans and papers 19th cent, patents 1804 and 1814, and photographic collection rel to Shrubland Park and Broke House c1850-1980 1789-1980 (HA93, K839)
- Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, physician and supporter of female suffrage: personal and family corresp and papers c1861-1916 (HA436)
- Joan Corder, student of heraldry: working papers and collections of pedigrees, grants, heralds' notebooks, etc, rel to Suffolk, Cambs, Essex and Norfolk 16th cent-20th cent (HD2418)
- Barefoot & Gillies, architects, Ipswich: further misc records 1898-2004 (HG400)
- Robert Cady, thatcher, Chediston: account books 1855-1867 (HC487)
- Crane Ltd, valve manufacturers and heating engineers, Ipswich: volume of engineering drawings and glass negatives of factory views, product samples and metallurgical samples c1937-2000 c1937-2000 (HC477, HC488)
- Richard Emms & Co, clothing manufacturers, Syleham: misc accounts 1854-1967 (HC491)
- Fisons plc, fertiliser and brick manufacturers, Ipswich: further records, incl photographs and printed publicity material 1860-2003 (HD2616)
- W Hewitt & Sons, grocers, Ipswich: financial and misc records 1896-1957 (HC489)
- AW Howard, saddler and harness maker, Framlingham: ledger and cash book 1917-1948 (HC490)
- H Warner & Son Ltd, heating, plumbing,refrigeration and general engineers, Ipswich: further records 1859-2004 (HC20)
- Alan Road Methodist Church, Ipswich: Sunday School records 1934-55, 1990-99 and World Service and Mission Committee minutes 1980-2003 1934-2003 (FK1/1)
- Alderton Parish Council: meeting book, minutes and precept book 1894-1996 (EG171)
- Anglian Water Authority: sewerage treatment records 1950-1993 (IM400)
- Ashbocking Parish Council: minutes and papers 1955-2007 (EG174)
- Barham School: attendance records 1928-1952 (A1561)
- Bury St Edmunds St Clement's Hospital Voluntary Services Development Association: minutes, accounts and papers 1977-2008 (GA407)
- Capel St Mary Methodist Church: minutes 1972-2004 (FK1/1)
- Castle Hill United Reformed Church, Ipswich: minutes, accounts and papers 1973-2008 (FK3/21)
- Chelmondiston Womens Institute: records 1996-2006 (GH614)
- Corporation of Trinity House: plans of Orfordness and Southwold c1950-1999 (EQ1)
- Dennington Consolidated Charities: minutes, accounts and papers 1901-1995 (GB455)
- Felixstowe Disabled Peoples Association: minutes and papers 1955-2000 (GB456)
- Girls Friendly Society, Wilby branch: register, log books and papers 1948-2008 (GF418)
- Ipswich International Club: records 1951-2007 (GC698)
- Ipswich Co-operative Society, Sudbury branch: education section account book 1964-1969 (GF3)
- Ipswich Maritime Trust: misc collections rel to Ipswich maritime history 1865-2006 (GC697)
- Ipswich Municipal and Suffolk Industries Exhibition: prospectus and papers 1938 (HD2654)
- Kirton Methodist Chapel: accounts 1954-1991 (FK1/1)
- Middleton Parish Council: records 1907-2001 (EG712)
- Ogilvie Trust, Aldringham and Leiston: further minutes, corresp and papers 1887-1982 (GB413)
- Rushmere St Andrew Womens Institute: minutes and papers 1995-2005 (GH486)
- Saxtead Parish Council: minutes, accounts and papers 1896-2006 (EG173)
- St John's Family Centre, Woodbridge: minutes 1989-1998 (GB457)
- Stoke Ash County Primary School: log books 1931-2007, minute books 1961-73 and admission registers 1904-14, 1939-89 1904-2007 (A1066)
- Stowmarket Charities: further records 1864-1994 (GB454)
- Suffolk Local History Council: further minutes 1986-2003 (GC472)
- Suffolk Benevolent Society: misc accounts and papers 1913-1987 (GC617)
- United Reformed Church, Eastern Synod: deeds and papers rel to Suffolk churches and chapels 1695-1995 (FK3/7)