Cumbria Record Office, Kendal: 2008 Accessions
Cumbria Record Office, Kendal
- Charles G Dean, architect: diaries, drawings and other papers 1972-1980 (WDB 145)
- A Bertwistle & Sons, brewers' agents, Appleby: wages books 1937-1955 (WDB 144)
- James Chamley, miller, Patton Mill: order books and note book 1902-1948 (WDB 146)
- Staveley Gas Co: additional records 1867-1912 (WDB 143)
- Ambleside and District Choral Society: records incl minute books, accounts, subscriptions book and librarian's registers 1944-2003 (WDSo 335)
- Appleby Joint Cemetery Board: corresp 1928-1945 (WSMBA)
- Arnside Womens Institute: records incl minute books, registers, accounts and corresp 1919-1994 (WDSO 21)
- Brigflatts Society of Friends: minutes and other papers 1673-1978 (WDFC/F1)
- Burneside Mothers Union: St Oswald's branch minutes, accounts, registers and other records 1955-1997 (WDSo 82)
- Cartmel Special Subjects Centre: reports, corresp, photographs and other records 1915-1928 (WDS 153)
- Cumbria Railways Association: records incl corresp and plans rel to Settle and Carlisle railway 1866-1881 (WDSo 108)
- Friends of Abbot Hall: records incl minutes, corresp and accounts 1996-2007 (WDSo 160)
- Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, Loyal Eden Lodge, Kirkby Stephen: minute book, membership book, accounts and other records 1835-1921 (WDSO 301)
- Kendal Amateur Swimming Club: additional minutes and corresp 1995-2008 (WDSO 71)
- Kendal Inner Wheel Club: additional minute books 1988-2004 (WDSO 229)
- Kendal Society of Friends Book Society: records incl minute books, account books, corresp and book of borrowings 1821-1940 (WDFCF1)
- Kendal Stick and Wheel Club: minutes and scrap book 1956-2007 (WDSO 97)
- Kirkby Stephen Liberal Association: minute books 1905-1980 (WDSo 340)
- Kirkby Stephen Choral Society: minute books, accounts and other papers 1910-2002 (WDSo 341)
- Kirkby Stephen, Appleby and Tebay Methodist Circuit: Brough Sowerby mission room account book 1931-1993 (WDFCM1)
- Milnthorpe and District W.I. Market: minute books and reports 1974-1996 (WDSo 336)
- Ormside Infectious Diseases Hospital: minute books, corresp, ledgers, wages books and other financial records 1920-1949 (WTHOS5)
- Ramblers Association, Kendal group: additional minutes 1989-1999 (WDSo 277)
- Sedbergh and District Old People's Welfare Committee: records incl minute books, attendance register and corresp 1958-1999 (WDEC 38)
- Soulby Parish Council: records incl minute books, account books, corresp and book of burial fees 1894-2001 (WPC 62)
- St Mary's Church of England School, Kirkby Lonsdale: records incl log books, minute books, admission registers and punishment book 1836-2006 (WDS 155)
- Warcop Parish Council: records incl minute books, rate books, corresp and financial records 1884-2002 (WPC 14)
- West Coast Main Line Campaign: records rel to campaign for modernisation of the West Coast Main Line, incl corresp, minutes and reports 1993-2006 (WDSo 337)
- Westmorland and Lonsdale Conservative and Unionist Association, Langdale branch: minutes, subscriptions book, corresp and other papers 1966-1995 (WDSo 339)
- Westmorland and Lonsdale Conservative and Unionist Association: records incl women's committee minutes, corresp, cash book and lists of officers 1976-2005 (WDSO 311)
- Windermere Rotary Club: log book and minutes 1963-2006 (WDSO 279)