Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections: Palace Green Section: 2008 Accessions
Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections: Palace Green Section
- Stanley Mason Castle, Egyptian Army soldier: letters to wife and daughter 1917-1927 (SAD)
- Bertram Colgrave, English lecturer: notebooks (8) on various texts, and files by Leslie Sharples on Colgrave's career 1923-2004 (ADD)
- Professor Robert O Collins, American historian: corresp from Sudan and Israel, diaires of research trips to Sudan 1968-89 (SAD)
- Sir James Fitzjames Duff, Vice Chancellor of Durham University: letters (15) to Alan Colquhoun Duff rel to service in the Royal Flying Corps; letters (38) to mother while serving on the Indian government's Universities' Commission. 1915-49 (DUF)
- Major General Charles George Gordon: signed message smuggled out of Khartoum during 1884 siege 1884 (SAD)
- Edwin Geoffrey Sarsfield-Hall, colonial administrator: cartoons, photos, lectures and memoirs, printed ephemera rel to Sudan 1909-1960 (SAD)
- Sir Donald Hawley, colonial administrator and diplomat: extracts from diary covering service in Blue Nile Province, edited transcript of an interview for the British Diplomatic Oral History Programme 1940-2077 (HAW)
- Norman Frederick Hidden, teacher and poet: additional papers incl corresp with Ezra Pound, Edmund Blunden, Sir John Betjeman, Andrew Motion, Christopher Logue, Elizabeth Goudge and William Plomer 1960-80 (HID)
- Geoff Millburn, lecturer: papers and pamphlets 1970-2006 (ADD)
- Ms Hazel Oberst, secretary to Sudanese ambassadors: papers, photographs, printed ephemera 1956-67 (SAD)
- Dr Louise Pirouet, academic: papers rel to work on the civil war and political developments in the Sudan 1970-79 (SAD)
- Mr and Mrs G Wood: corresp and papers rel to education and employment with the Sudan Government, diaries, and photographs. 1939-58 (SAD)
- Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland: record book, minutes, corresp, photos 1933-94 (AAS)
- Durham Castle Preservation Trust: minutes, financial records, corresp 1927-39 (UND)
- Durham University Observatory: corresp 1930-37 (UND)
- Durham University Women's Society: minutes, financial records, corresp 1970-2007 (UND)
- Durham University Women's Playing Fields Board of Management: financial records, corresp file 1897-1946 (UND)