Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives Division: 2008 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryLondon University: London School of Economics Library, Archives Division

  • Stephan R Epstein, economic historian: research papers rel to medieval and early modern European economic and social history c1960-2007 (EPSTEIN)
  • Henry Mayers Hyndman, Socialist leader: corresp with Rosalind Travers, his second wife 1913-1921 (COLL MISC 1192)
  • Arthur William Knight, industrialist: research papers c1930-2003 (KNIGHT)
  • John Edward Martin, economic geographer: research papers rel to the industrial geography of London 1954-1955 (MARTIN)
  • John William Nevill Watkins, philosopher: corresp mainly with philosophers incl Karl Popper, Imre Lakatos and Paul Feyerabend 1940-1999 (WATKINS)
  • Council for Education in World Citizenship: papers incl minutes and subject files 1945-2008 (CEWC)
  • Pink Singers lesbian and gay community choir, London: minutes, corresp, programmes and photographs 1983-1988 (HCA/PINK SINGERS)
  • St Katharine's Group, Stepney: papers incl minutes, corresp and unpublished research on gay partnerships 1968-1977 (HCA/ST KATHARINE'S GROUP)