John Richard Gray, Africanist: papers relating to southern Sudanese pressure groups and societies and the Christian mission in the Sudan
Abbas Hilmi II, Khedive of Egypt: additional personal and family papers c1888-1979 (HIL)
Geoffrey Milburn, history lecturer: additional papers, mainly rel to Sunderland 19th cent-20th cent (MIL)
Sir John Stainer, organist and composer: MS and printed papers 1760-2001 (STA)
Archdall Alexander (Xan) Wynne Willson Willson, clergyman: MS sermons, talks etc 1932-37 (ADD)
Justice Africa: reports, corresp, articles, press cuttings, conference papers etc rel to human rights abuses in the Sudan and elsewhere c1986-2002 (SAD)
Surtees Society: additional records 1975-2005 (SUS)
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