Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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London Metropolitan University: The Women's Library: 2010 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryLondon Metropolitan University: The Women's Library

  • Sally Alexander, feminist academic: corresp and conference papers 1970-1989 (7SAA)
  • Vivienne Lake, feminist priest: corresp 1984-2004 (7VEL)
  • Gender & History, journal, Bognor Regis: working papers 1980-2010 (6GHJ)
  • Bolton Women's Liberation Group: oral history CD's 2009-2010 (5BWG)
  • Griffins Society, charity: minutes and papers 1965-2005 (5GRI)
  • Women's History Network: papers 1990-2005 (6WHN)
