Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service: 2010 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryBolton Archive and Local Studies Service

  • Brian Iddon, MP: diary, papers, early day motions and campaign material 1997-2010 (ZIDD)
  • William Hesketh Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme, industrialist: corresp 1913-1925 (ZZ)
  • Bolmoor Industries Ltd, news bag and workwear manufacturers, Bolton: records 1913-2007 (ZZ)
  • William Walker & Sons Ltd, tanners, Bolton: photograph albums c 1940-1950 (ZWW)
  • All Souls parish, Bolton: architectural drawings 1878-1879 (ZZ)
  • Bolton Community Voluntary Service: grant applications 1996-2003 (FZ)
  • Bolton Embroiderers Guild: minutes, programmes, scrapbooks 1985-2010 (FZ)
  • Bolton Table Tennis League: records incl membership records, list of teams and rankings 1951-1993 (FZ)
  • Darcy Lever Residents' Association: corresp 1992-2008 (FZ)
  • Red Lane Methodist Church: corresp, architectural drawings c1950-1970 (NM)
