Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Major accessions to repositories in 2011 relating to Natural History


Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies

  • Patrick Alfred Buxton, entomologist: records incl family papers 20th cent (AR 45/2011)

Devon Record Office

  • W R Dearman Collection: geological research papers (Okehampton area) and family photographs 1944-1965 (7918)

East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and Local Studies Service

  • Cottingham Wildlife Watch Group: records 1989-2007 (DDX)

East Sussex Record Office

  • Brighton and Hove Natural History Society: annual reports 1855-1916 (ACC 11055)

Oldham Local Studies & Archives

  • Oldham Microscopical & Natural History Society: records c 1790-2000 (2011/15)

Suffolk Record Office, Lowestoft Branch

  • Claude Morley, entomologist and antiquary: letters to Dudley Willis Collings 20th cent (2089)
  • Balfour Natural History Club, Highbury: minutes 1888-1891 (2089)

West Sussex Record Office

  • Edward Heron-Allen, zoologist: holiday journals 1901 (Acc 16092)

Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

  • Richard Jefferies, naturalist and novelist: letters to the publisher William Tinsley 1872-1877 (3943)
  • Daily weather readings at West Lavington 1978-2010 (3966)


Natural History Museum

  • Kajetan Ludwik Boratynski, entomologist: notebooks rel to collecting of hemiptera species with loose notes and papers 1948-1963
  • Christopher D Cornes, botanical photographer: photographic slides (1158) of Gulf and United States desert fauna 1980-2005 (422681-1001)
  • Heinrich Frey, German-born Swiss entomologist: manuscript of article with Jacob Boll, published in Steittiner Entomologische Zeitung, vol 39, 1878 1877
  • John Heath, entomologist: notebooks rel to collecting (20); field diaries (7) 1936-1985
  • William Henry Sykes, army officer and naturalist: records incl notes and drawings 1824-1831 (419574-1001)

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Library and Archives

  • Jan Bevington Gillett, botanist: papers and photographs (by Eric Hosking) rel to survey of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan by Hunting Technical Services and work of British Jordan Expedition 1963 (PrP 11-0005)
  • Frank Nigel Hepper, botanist: corresp rel to botany 1954-1974 (PrP 11-0009)
  • Eryl Smith, amateur botanist: list of plant collections 1922-1924 (PrP 11-0023)
  • Colin Graham Trapnell, botanist: manuscript botanical notebook, 'South Africa 1931', with notes from Transvaal; other notes and plant lists c1930-1939 (PrP 11-0010)
  • Bernard Verdcourt, botanist, Kew: corresp, papers and notes rel to work at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew c1960-2000 (PrP 11-0007)


Royal Society

  • Thomas Maxwell Harris, botanist: corresp with Professor Ove Arbo Hoeg, material rel to the running of Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany and palaeobotanical letters 1951-1982 (MS/867)
  • Sir Bernard Augustus Keen, agricultural scientist: travel diaries (6) 1929-1947 (MS/886)


Aberdeen University, Special Libraries and Archives

  • Scottish Ornithologists' Club, Aberdeen branch: minutes and related papers 1947-1986 (Acc no 118)

Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives

  • Harold James Brindley, zoologist and antiquary: papers on lizards' tails; Maud Brindley corresp and papers c1890-1930 (MS Add. 9922)
  • John Samuel Budgett, zoologist: drawings of external features of early stages of Polypterus (MS Add. 9906)
  • Torkel Weis-Fogh, Danish zoologist: teaching materials for lecturers and practicals 1954-58 (MS Add. 9896)
  • John Stanley Gardiner, zoologist: papers on corals (MS Add. 9910)
  • James Edward Hepburn, ornithologist: papers on zoological collections (MS Add. 9900)
  • Alfred Merle Norman, Canon of Durham and zoologist: corresp and papers (MS Add. 9912)
  • Hugh Edwin Strickland, geologist and zoologist: Oxford lectures on volcanic geology 1850-53 (MS Add. 9903)
  • Charles Darwin Memorial Committee, Cambridge: minutes 1877-1882 (MS Add. 9881)
  • International Congress of Zoology, Cambridge meeting: guard book of corresp and papers 1898-1903 (MS Add. 9904)
  • Oxford and Cambridge Zoologists' Club: minutes and accounts 1923-1949 (MS Add. 9880)

Cambridge University: Churchill Archives Centre

  • Max Ferdinand Perutz, biologist: corresp and recording of interview 20th cent (PRTZ AS)

London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives Division

  • Cedric Cyril Dover, entomologist, anthropologist and poet: corresp and papers c1930-2010 (COLL MISC 1224)
