Lyn Barlow, Greenham Common campaigner: records incl journals, recollections and poetry 1980-1990s (7LBA)
Ginette Leach, Greenham Common campaigner: journal documenting experiences at Greenham Common 1982-1985 (7LEA)
Beauty Queens exhibition: interviews with competitors and organisers 2004 (8BQU)
Essex Road Women's Centre: records rel to the centre's information and advice services incl photographs 1970-1977 (5ERC)
Irene Hilton Memorial Trust: records incl constitution, meeting notes and details of awards 1980s-2011 (5IHM)
Keeping Pace, Older Women of the East End Exhibition: transcripts, interviews, film and images 2003 (8KPC)
National Alliance of Women's Organisations: minutes, corresp, reports and photographs c1989-2010 (5NWO)
National Housewives Association: minutes, corresp and papers rel to conferences 1970-2000s (5LCW)
Prostitution, What's the Story? exhibition: 'Prostitution: (be)longing', 'Prostitution: Sold Feelings' and 'Football Fans & Prostitution' films covering prostitution and trafficking 2006 (8PBL, 8PSF and 8FFP)
Women Word Spirit, Catholic women's network: minutes, corresp and papers 1983-2010 (5WWS)
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