Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Major accessions to repositories in 2012 relating to Labour Movement


Bexley Local Studies and Archive Centre

  • Bexley Labour Party Danson Park Women's Section: minutes 1948-1958 (CSBLP)

Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies

  • Bletchley Trades Council: minutes, corresp and petty cash book 1948-1970 (AR22A/2012)
  • Clerical and Administrative Workers Union, Bletchley branch: minutes incl list of members and office holders 1957-61 (AR 22A/2012)

Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Whitehaven

  • Ronnie Calvin, miner and Labour Chairman of Cumbria County Council: papers rel William Pit disaster memorial 1987 (YDX 587)

Durham County Record Office

  • Durham Miners Association, East Hetton Lodge: treasurer's account book 1923-1963 (Acc 8209)

Glamorgan Archives (formerly Glamorgan Record Office)

  • Riverside Ward Labour Party, Cardiff: minute books and corresp 1975-1986 (D866)

Nottinghamshire Archives

  • Workers Educational Association, East Midlands region: minutes and records 20th - 21st cent (8210)

Oldham Local Studies & Archives

  • National Union of Teachers, Oldham association: equality and race relations papers c 2000-2010 (2012/15)

Peterborough Archives

  • Peterborough Trades Union Council: minutes, accounts, corresp and membership material 1899-1990 (Acc 2012/186)

Tyne and Wear Archives

  • Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers, Sunderland branch: registration books c1878-1971 (TU.ASW3)

West Sussex Record Office

  • UNISON, West Sussex branch: minutes rel to retired members 20th cent (Acc 16767)

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Calderdale

  • Halifax and District Butcher's Association: corresp, minute book incl annual reports and other records 1892-1908 (BCH:17)

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds

  • Workers Educational Association, Leeds branch: minutes and records 1903-2011 (WYL669)

York Archives and Local History

  • National Typographical and National Graphical Associations, York branch: minutes 1933-1988 (Acc2012/021)


Bishopsgate Institute

  • General Federation of Trade Unions: records incl minutes, papers, photographs and dispute logs 1899-2010 (GTFU)
  • Labour Party Black Section: papers and corresp 1984-1990s (LPBS)


Glasgow University Archive Services

  • James Reid, trade unionist and Rector of Glasgow University: diaries, corresp and papers 1916-2004 (ACCN 3717)

Warwick University: Modern Records Centre

  • David Buckle, trade unionist: papers rel to work as secretary of Transport and General Workers' Union Oxford District 1960-1989 (849)
  • Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers, Newcastle upon Tyne branch: minutes 1935-1947 (835)
  • Birmingham Trades Council, Trade Union Resource Centre: minutes, corresp and papers 1980-1999 (844)
  • Communications Workers' Union: records 1900-2009 (861)
  • Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunication and Plumbing Union: corresp, reports and papers of general secretary Eric Hammond 1970-1999 (832)
  • United Kingdom Commercial Travellers Association, Eastern Counties Federation: minutes 1902-1934 (863)