Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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History of Advertising Trust Archive: 2012 Accessions

Go to contact details in the ARCHON DirectoryHistory of Advertising Trust Archive

  • Carol Ann Fisher, chief executive, COI Communications: corresp and papers, incl her time as marketing director of Holsten Distributors c1980-2009 (HAT2012/58)
  • David Harrison, art director: artwork, adverts and TV commercial show-reels c1950-90 (HAT2012/1)
  • Egon Rosenberg, point-of-sale designer and consultant: artwork, designs and artefacts c1950-89 (HAT21/550)
  • Alan Granville Waldie, art director: papers rel to his work for several London advertising agencies, but mainly Collette Dickenson Pearce c1980-1999 (HAT2012/52)
  • "Advertising Lives" oral history collection: interviews of practitioners who worked in British advertising in the nineteen fifties and sixties (HAT2012/13)
  • Brewery History Society: guard books, posters, publications and trade journals rel to the brewing industry c1880-2000 (HAT21/495)
